The Impact of Self-Efficacy on Teacher Performance with Work Motivation as a Mediating Variable in Accounting Teachers of State Vocational School in Surabaya
The teacher is the most important component in achieving educational goals. Teachers are professionals who carry out their main duties as educators. Teacher professionalism is shown from the results of its performance. Teacher performance is influenced by certain factors. Factors thought to improve teacher performance are self-efficacy and work motivation. The purpose of this study is to test the motivation to mediate the effect of self-efficacy on teacher performance in accounting teachers at State Vocational Schools in Surabaya. This research is quantitative research type. In this study using a population of accounting teachers at State Vocational Schools in Surabaya with a total of 45 teachers. Sampling in this study uses a saturated sample technique, where all members of the population will be used as respondents. The instrument used in the form of a closed questionnaire. The results of this study indicate that a) there is an effect of self-efficacy on teacher performance; b) there is an effect of self-efficacy on work motivation; c) there is an influence of work motivation on teacher performance; d) work motivation mediates the effect of self-efficacy on teacher performance.