Abstrak: Tata rias pengantin Blitar Krisnayana merupakan salah satu budaya yang harus dilestarikan oleh masyarakat Blitar. Modifikasi tata rias wajah merupakan salah satu upaya agar masyarakat Blitar lebih tertarik untuk melestarikannya. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu mendeskripsikan bentuk desain modifikasi tata rias wajah pengantin Blitar Krisnayana, dan mendeskripsikan hasil jadi desain modifikasi tata rias wajah pengantin Blitar Krisnayana.
Jenis penelitian yang diterapkan pada penelitian ini yaitu penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah dengan tahapan eksplorasi, perancangan, danperwujudan. Instrumen penelitian yaitu berupa lembar observasi yang dibagikan kepada 18 orang panelis.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bentuk desain modifikasi tata rias wajah pengantin Blitar Krisnayana berdasarkan prinsip desain mendapatkan kategori sangat baik. Bentuk desain secara keseluruhan berkategori sangat baik dari segi aplikasi eye shadow yang berwarna orange mewakili warna langit senja serta warna kuning keemasan mewakili warna stalagmite dan stalaktit di Goa Embultuk, high light berwarna silver mewakili warna candi-candi di Blitar, dan blush on berwarna merah muda mewakili salah satu warna langit senja. Hasil jadi desain modifikasi tata rias wajah pengantin Blitar Krisnayana dari segi hasil foundation, alis, eye shadow, blush on, dan bulu mata, secara keseluruhan yaitu berkategori sangat baik karena sesuai dengan sumber inspirasi.
Hasil desain berdasarkan prinsip secara keseluruhan berkategori sangat baik terutama pada prinsip Kesatuan yang memiliki skor rata-rata tertinggi, sedangkan prinsip yang memiliki skor rata-rata terendah yaitu prinsip Keutuhan.
Kata Kunci: Modifikasi tata rias wajah, Blitar Krisnayana, prinsip desain.
Abstract: Blitar Krisnayana's bridal make-up is one of the culture that must be preserved by the Blitar society. Modification of makeup is an effort so that the people of Blitar are more interested in preserving it. The purpose of this research were to describe the modified design form of Blitar Krisnayana's bridal makeup, and describe the results of the modified design of Blitar Krisnayana's bridal makeup.
The type of this research is qualitative descriptive research. The research design used is the stages of exploration, design, and embodiment. The research instrument is in the form of an observation sheet distributed to 18 panelists. The research method is interviewing the experts and distributing the questionnaire of the observation sheet to the panelists.
The results of the study showed that the form of Blitar Krisnayana's bridal makeup modification design based on the design principle had a very good category. The overall design form is categorized very well in terms of the application of orange shadow representing the color of the twilight sky and golden yellow representing the colors of stalagmites and stalactites in Goa Embultuk, silver high light representing the colors of Blitar temples, and pink blush one of the colors of the twilight sky. The result is a modified design of bridal makeup Blitar Krisnayana in terms of the results of foundation, eyebrows, eye shadow, blush, and eyelashes as a whole which is very good category because it fits with the source of inspiration.
The design results based on the overall principle are categorized very well, especially in the Unity principle which has the highest average score, while the principle that has the lowest average score is the Integrity principle.
Keywords: Make up modification, Blitar Krisnayana, design principal.