The Disappearance of Eastern Culture in Nasibe Guru Haryoko's Novel by Tulus Setiyadi (Study of the Sociology of Literature)
Perubahan zaman yang lebih maju dan masuknya budaya asing, menyebabkan lunturnya budaya ketimuran yang menjadi masalah sosial di lingkungan remaja zaman sekarang. Perbuatan para remaja yang melanggar norma di lingkungan masyarakat dan pengaruh dari budaya barat menjadi penyebab lunturnya budaya ketimuran. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu (1) menjelaskan lunturnya norma kesusilaan, (2) menjelaskan lunturnya norma kesopanan, dan (3) menjelaskan lunturnya norma hukum dalam novel Nasibe Guru Haryoko karya Tulus Setiyadi. Adanya permasalahan sosial tersebut sehingga dalam penelitian ini menggunakan kajian sosiologi sastra. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu metode kualitatif deskriptif, serta menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data studi pustaka, membaca, dan catat. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu (1) bentuk lunturnya norma kesusilaan dalam novel Nasibe Guru Haryoko karya Tulus Setiyadi yaitu perilaku para remaja yang terjerumus pergaulan bebas, seks bebas, narkoba, dan clubbing, (2) bentuk lunturnya norma kesopanan dalam novel Nasibe Guru Haryoko karya Tulus Setiyadi yaitu perilaku para tokoh yang tidak mempunyai tata krama, tidak menghargai orang tua, berkata kasar, menghina orang lain, dan berikap acuh, dan (3) bentuk lunturnya norma hukum dalam novel Nasibe Guru Haryoko karya Tulus Setiyadi, berupa perbuatan yang melanggar hukum yaitu perselisihan dan pengrusakan.
Kata Kunci : norma kesusilaan, kesopanan, dan hukum.
The changing times that are more advanced and the entry of foreign cultures have caused the decline of eastern culture which has become a social problem in today's youth environment. The actions of teenagers who violate the norms in society and the influence of western culture are the causes of the decline of eastern culture. The aims of this study are (1) to explain the disappearance of moral norms, (2) to explain the disappearance of decency norms, and (3) to explain the disappearance of legal norms in the novel Nasibe Guru Haryoko by Tulus Setiyadi. The existence of these social problems so that in this study using the study of the sociology of literature. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method, and uses data collection techniques, literature review, reading, and notes. The results of this study are (1) the form of the disappearance of decency norms in the novel Nasibe Guru Haryoko by Tulus Setiyadi, namely the behavior of teenagers who fall into promiscuity, free sex, drugs, and clubbing, (2) the form of the disappearance of decency norms in the novel Nasibe Guru Haryoko by Tulus Setiyadi, namely the behavior of the characters who do not have manners, do not respect their parents, speak rudely, insult others, and act indifferently, and (3) the form of the disappearance of legal norms in the novel Nasibe Guru Haryoko by Tulus Setiyadi, in the form of actions that violate the law. namely discord and destruction.
Keywords: moral norms, decency, and law.