The quality of Human Resources (HR) in the 21st
century needs to be considered, especially in terms of various skills and
expertise, such as teamwork ability, communication skills, literacy, great
curiosity, critical thinking, and creative. Therefore, this research aims to
obtain the feasibility of student worksheet orientation green chemistry to
train creative thinking skills in electrolyte and non-electrolyte solution
material. There are three principles of green chemistry that are applied in the
development of this student worksheet, namely the 1st principle is waste
prevention, the 7th principle is use of renewable feedstocks, and the 12th
principle is inherently safer chemistry for accident prevention. The
development of this student worksheet uses a 4-D development model which
consists of four stages, namely define, design, develop and disseminate.
However, this research is limited to the develop stage. The feasibility of the
student worksheet being developed is reviewed from the criteria of validity, practicality
and effectiveness. The student worksheet developed was stated valid in terms of
content validity and construct validity scores. The validation results for the
content validity criteria obtained a mode score of 5 in the very good category,
while construct validity obtained a mode score of 4 in the good category. The
student worksheet that was developed was stated to be practical in terms of the
results of the student response questionnaire and supported by the results of
observations of student activities and the results of observations of learning implementation during limited trials,
each of which obtained a percentage of 96.98%; 95.28%; and 92.21% in the very
practical category. The student worksheet developed was stated effective in
terms of the increase in the pretest posttest score of students' creative
thinking skills which was analyzed from the calculation of the N-gain value and
obtained a score of 0.74 in the high category. Based on this, it can be
concluded that student worksheet orientation green chemistry to train creative
thinking skills in electrolyte and non-electrolyte solution material is stated
feasible for use because it meets the criteria for validity, practicality and
Keywords: student worksheets, green chemistry, creative
thinking skills, electrolyte and non-electrolyte