Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui self-regulated learning siswa LABSCHOOL Universitas Negeri Surabaya selama kegiatan belajar mengajar disekolah dan untuk mngetahui Self Regulated yang bagus pada siswa .Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian survei, dengan menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Pada penetilian ini populasi subjek yakni siswa SMP LABSCHOOL Universitas Negeri Surabaya berjumlah 60 siswa meliputi 2 kelas yang terdiri dari siswa kelas VIII dan kelas IX meliputi kelas VIII-A berjumlah jumlah siswa dan kelas IX-A dan IX-B berjumlah, dengan penggunaan teknik sampling yakni random sampling. Instrumen penelitian instrumen kisi-kisi skala kemampuan self-regulated learning dengan skala likert yang disusun oleh Nurhayati meliputi berdsarkan pada adanya rasa tangung jawab,adanya rasa percaya diri,adanya,inisiatif, dan adanya motivasi diri.Pada penelitian ini teknik analisis menggunakan teknik analisis statistik deskriptif berdasarkan dari hasil penelitian menunjukan Self Regulated-Learning siswa di SMP LABSCHOOL Univeesitas Negeri Surabaya tergolong sedang dan rendah berjumlah 14 siswa dengan presentase 25% dengan hasil siswa yang memiliki Self Regulated-Learning belajar kategori tinggi berjumlah 2 siswa dengan presentase 7,6 %,siswa yang memiliki Self Regulated-Learning belajar kategori sangat tinggi berjumlah 6 siswa dengan presentase 21,4 %,siswa yang memiliki Self Regulated-Learning belajar kategori sedang berjumlah 7 siswa dengan presentase 25 %,siswa yang memiliki Self Regulated –learning belajar kategori rendah berjumlah 7 siswa dengan presentase 25 % dan siswa yang memiliki Self Regulated-Learning belajar kategori sangat rendah berjumlah 6 siswa dengan presentase 21,2%,maka dengan demikian Sef Reglated-Learning siswa di SMP LABSCHOOL Universitas Negeri Surabaya mayaoritas berada pada kategoi sedang dan rendah
Kata kunci: kemampuan self-regulated learning
This study aims to determine the self-regulated learning of LABSCHOOL Surabaya State University students in the course of teaching and learning activities at school and to find out the good Self Regulated in students. This research is a survey research, using a quantitative approach. In this study the subject population, namely LABSCHOOL Surabaya State University junior high school students totaling 60 students, including 2 classes consisting of class VIII and class IX students, including class VIII-A totaling the number of students and class IX-A and IX-B totaling, with the use of sampling techniques, namely random sampling. The research is instrument lattice self-regulated learning ability scale with Likert scale compiled by Nurhayati includes based on the existence of a sense of responsibility, self-confidence, the initiative, and self-motivation. In this study, the analysis technique used descriptive statistical analysis techniques based on the results of the study showed that students' Self-Regulated-Learning at Surabaya State University LABSCHOOL Junior High School was classified as moderate and low, totaling 14 students with a percentage of 25% with the results of students who had Self-Regulated-Learning learning in the high category totaling 2 students with a percentage of 7.15%, students who had Self-Regulated-Learning in the very high category totaling 6 students with a percentage of 21.4%, students who had Self-Regulated-Learning in the medium category totaling 7 students with a percentage of 25%, students who have self-regulated-learning in the low category are 7 students with a percentage of 25% and students who have self-regulated-learning in the below category are 6 students with a percentage of 21.2%, so thus self-regulated-learning students at Surabaya State University LABSCHOOL Junior High School are mostly in the moderate and low categories.
Keyword: self-regulated learning ability