E-learning menjadi pembelajaran yang sangat dibutuhkan dimasa pandemi covid-19, termasuk di prodi Pendidikan Tata Busana, sebab e-learning memudahkan penggunanya dalam memanfaatkan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: 1) mata kuliah di semester genap yang memanfaatkan whatsapp, 2) respon dosen dalam memanfaatkan whatsapp, 3) respon mahasiswa dalam memanfaatkan whatsapp. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif. Populasi penelitian diambil dari mahasiswa dan dosen Pendidikan Tata Busana yang mengikuti pembelajaran di semester genap secara daring pada masa pandemi covid-19. Sampel penelitian menggunakan stratified random sampling dengan taraf signifikan 10% dan didapat sebanyak 130 mahasiswa dan 14 dosen. Instrumen penelitian berupa angket yang disebarkan kepada mahasiswa dan dosen. Teknik pengolahan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik analisis diskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: 1) sebanyak 26 (90%) mata kuliah semester genap di prodi Pendidikan Tata Busana menggunakan aplikasi whatsapp, dan 3 (10%) mata kuliah menggunakan aplikasi google classroom. 2) Hasil respon dosen memanfaatkan whatsapp dalam pembelajaran daring menunjukkan respon baik yaitu dalam hal kemudahan dan efektifitas memanfaatkan whatsapp pada pembelajaran. Namun, hasil pembelajaran kurang maksimal karena kurangnya komunikasi antara mahasiswa dan dosen akibatnya terjadi kesalahpahaman dalam berinteraksi. 3) Respon mahasiswa juga menunjukkan respon baik dalam hal kemudahan, efektifitas dan efisiensi pembelajaran yang dapat dilihat dari perilaku menggunakan whatsapp, kesediaan infrastruktur, dan fitur whatsapp. Namun, mahasiswa merasa kesulitan memahami materi perkuliahan. Aplikasi whatsapp dalam pembelajaran daring di masa pandemi covid-19 sudah cukup baik dan efektif, hanya saja akan lebih baik jika dipadukan dengan aplikasi pembelajaran daring lainya.
Kata Kunci: Covid-19, Pembelajaran Daring,Whatsapp
E-learning is a most needed learning during the Covid-19 pandemic, as wll as in the fashion education study program, because e-learning utilizes information and communication technology. The aims are to determine: 1) courses in even semesters that utilize whatsapp, 2) lecturers' responses using whatsapp, 3) student responses using Whatsapp. The population was taken from students and lecturers of Fashion Design Education who took part in online learning in the even semester during the Covid-19 pandemic. The research samples used stratified random sampling with a significant level of 10% and obtained 130 students and 14 lecturers. The research instrument was a questionnaire that was distributed to students and lecturers. The data processing technique in this study uses descriptive analysis techniques. The results showed: 1) 26 (90%) even semester courses in the Fashion Design Education study program used the Whatsapp, and 3 (10%) courses used the Google classroom. 2) The results of the lecturers' responses in using Whatsapp in online learning showed a good response, namely in terms of the ease and effectiveness of using Whatsapp in learning. However, the results of online learning were less than optimal due to the lack of communication between students and lecturers as a result of misunderstanding in their interactions. 3) Student responses also show good responses in terms of the ease and effectiveness of learning which can be seen from the behavior of using the Whatsapp, the availability of infrastructure, and the features provided by the Whatsapp application. However, students found it difficult to understand the lecture material. The Whatsapp application in online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic is quite good and effective, it's just that it would be better if combined with other online learning applications.
Keywords: Covid-19, E-Learning, Whatsapp.