Pentingnya kebugaran jasmani bagi kelangsungan hidup dimana individu mampu melakukan aktivitas fisik tanpa merasakan lelah. Maka dari itu peneliti melakukan penelitian kebugaran jasmani di X Teknik Pengelasan 1 SMK Negeri 4 Bojonegoro. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan nilai kebugaran jasmani di kelas X Teknik Pengelasan 1. Jenis penelitian ini yaitu pendekatan deskriptif kuantitatif yang menggunakan metode purposive sampling dengan jumlah populasi 1404 siswa/i dan sampel sejumlah 36 siswa. Instrumen pada penelitian ini menggunakan instrumen TKJI usia 16 - 19 Tahun yang meliputi beberapa tahapan tes yaitu gantung angkat tubuh 60 detik, sit up 60 detik, vertical jump, lari 1200 meter dan sprint 60 meter. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kuantitatif dengan data diperoleh dari hasil TKJI. Data dianalisis menggunakan teknik analisis deskriptif statistik. Hasil TKJI menunjukkan bahwa tes sprint 60 meter dengan 28 siswa kategori sangat baik serta 8 siswa dikatakan kategori baik, tes lari 1200 meter dengan 7 siswa kategori cukup baik, 13 siswa kurang baik dan 16 siswa sangat kurang, tes vertical jump dengan 1 siswa dikatakan kategori sangat baik, 3 siswa baik, 26 siswa kurang baik dan 11 sangat kurang, tes sit up dengan 12 siswa kategori baik sekali, 13 siswa cukup baik dan 11 siswa baik, tes gantung angkat tubuh dengan 2 siswa kategori baik, 9 siswa kurang baik dan 29 sangat kurang. Analisis distribusi frekuensi menunjukan 18 siswa kategori sedang (50%) dan 18 siswa kategori baik (50%). Kesimpulannya kelas tersebut memiliki hasil keseluruhan masuk dalam kategori sedang dimana yang sesuai norma yang ada dalam tes TKJI usia tersebut.
The importance of physical fitness for survival where individuals are able to perform physical activity without feeling tired. Therefore, researchers conducted physical fitness research at X Welding Technique 1 SMK Negeri 4 Bojonegoro. The purpose of this study is to describe the value of physical fitness in class X Welding Techniques 1. This type of research is a quantitative descriptive approach that uses the purposive sampling method with a total population of 1404 students and a sample of 36 students. The instrument in this study used the TKJI instrument aged 16-19 years which included several stages of the test, namely hanging body lift 60 seconds, sit up 60 seconds, vertical jump, running 1200 meters and sprint 60 m ether. The data collection technique uses a quantitative descriptive approach with data obtained from the results of TKJI. The data were analyzed using statistical descriptive analysis techniques. The results of TKJI showed that the 60-meter sprint test with 28 students in the excellent category and 8 students was said to be a good category, the 1200-meter running test with 7 students in the category was quite good, 13 students were less good and 16 students were very lacking, the vertical jump test with 1 student was said to be in the excellent category, 3 students were good, 26 students were not good and 11 were very lacking, sit up test with 12 students in the category of very good, 13 students are quite good and 11 students are good, the hanging test is body lift with 2 students of the good category, 9 students are not good and 29 are very lacking. Frequency distribution analysis showed 18 medium category students (50%) and 18 good category students (50%). In conclusion, the class has an overall result of falling into the moderate category where it is in accordance with the norms in the TKJI test of that age.