The economic growth in Indonesia from time to
time is increasing rapidly that causing many foreign and local companies
emerged from the various industrial and service sectors. A long with the era of free trade, that known as
the ASEAN Economic Community (MEA). With this condition every company have to improve the company's performance in order to survive and able to compete
in the global market. In addition, these companies also compete to increase
company profits so they can attract the investors. But, the monetary crisis
that happen has made the economy run fluctuatif. This condition caused many
companies losses or even bankrupt. Many of them have decided to dissolved their
businesses or run out of business. To resolve the financial distress and
increase company value, the company makes an effort to improve the conditions
by doing a business combination such as merger; acquisition; and consolidation.
The goal of this research is to examine the financial performance of the
acquiring company that acquired at the 2011-2014 period using an analysis of
financial performance as measured by the current ratio, quick ratio, total
asset turnover, debt to equity ratio, earning per share, net profit margin,
return on asse t and return on equity. The population that used was
194 companies that included in merger and acquisition notifications of the
Business Competition Supervisory Commission (KPPU), with sample of 15 acquiring
companies. The analysis technique that used is the Wilcoxon Sign Rank Test for
all variables pre and post acquisition, because the data of all variables are
abnormally distributed.
The results of this study indicated that financial ratios proxied by
total asset turnover, earning per share, net profit margin, return on asset,
and return on equity experience differences after making significant
acquisitions. While the financial ratios proxied by the current ratio, quick
ratio, and debt to equity ratio did not experience a difference after the
Keywords: acquisition, financial performance, paired
sample t-test , wilcoxon
sign rank test,.