VIDEO ART: Tok-tok Aduan Sapi Di Pulau Masalembu Madura
ART VIDEO: Tok-tok a cow fight on Masalembu Island, Madura
Penulis terinspirasi tradisi Aduan sapi (Tok-tok) di pulau Masalembu sebagai sumber ide dasar karya Seni Video (Video Art). Berawal dari larat belakang penulis sebagai putra asli penduduk pulau masalembu tradisi aduan sapi (Tok-tok) sudah dikenal dan menjadi hiburan sejak kecil hingga dewasa sekarang sangat akrab tentang tradisi aduan sapi. Pemilihan karya seni video ini agar tersebar luas ke dunia luar dan untuk mempromosikan tradisi aduan sapi yang berada di pulau masalembu melalui media sosial. Memfokuskan pada ketika bertemunya antara sapi dan sapi yang lain itu sendiri adalah sebuah bentuk interaksi sosial, meskipun terbilang suatu tindak kekerasan pada sapi, akan tetapi sapi-sapi itu sendiri sangat disayangi oleh pemiliknya. Dilanjutkan dengan mematangkan ide visualisasi, yaitu proses eksplorasi konsep dan eksplorasi visual serta perwujudan karya seni video.
The author is inspired by the tradition of cow-fighting (Tok-tok) on the island of Masalembu as a source of basic ideas Video Art works. Starting from the background of the author as the native son of the masalembu islanders, the tradition of cow-fighting (Tok-tok) has been known and has been an entertainment since childhood until adulthood is now very familiar about the tradition of cow fighting. The selection of video art works is so widely spread to the outside world and to promote the tradition of cow complaints on the island of Masalembu through social media. Focusing on when the meeting between cows and other cows itself is a form of social interaction, although it is somewhat an act of violence on cows, but the cows themselves are very dear to their owners. Followed by finalizing the idea of ​​visualization, namely the process of concept exploration and visual exploration as well as the realization of video artwork.