Nama : Alifiani Kurnia Risdianti
NIM : 17040284100
Program Studi : S1 Pendidikan Sejarah
Jurusan : Pendidikan Sejarah
Fakultas : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Hukum
Nama Lembaga : Universitas Negeri Surabaya Pembimbing : Eko Satriya Hermawan, S.Hum., M.A.
Penelitian ini membahas mengenai (1) Bagaimana perkembangan Museum Brawijaya Malang sepanjang tahun 1968 hingga 2018; (2) Bagaimana upaya Museum Brawijaya guna menghadirkan nilai edukasi sepanjang tahun 1968 hingga 2018; (3) Bagaimana dampak adanya Museum Brawijaya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian sejarah yang terdiri dari empat tahapan, yakni proses heuristik yakni pengumpulan sumber yang didapatkan dari Perpustakaan Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Perpustakaan Universitas Negeri Malang, Perpustakaan Museum Brawijaya. Tahap kedua yaitu kritik sumber yakni melakukan pengujian dan verifikasi sumber yang didapat. Tahap ketiga adalah interpretasi, yaitu menafsirkan data yang sudah diperoleh dan telah melewati proses verifikasi. Tahap keempat adalah historiografi, yaitu penulisan hasil penelitian sejarah secara kronologis dan analitis sesuai tema penelitian.
Penelitian ini menggunakan sumber penelitian; (1) Dokumen Arsip Surat Keputusan No.75/III/4/1968 tentang selesainya pembangunan Museum Brawijaya dan pemberian nama gedung Museum Brawijaya; (2) Dokumen Arsip No. 154/12/1967 tentang rencana pembangunan dan pemberian nama monumen; (3) Arsip kunjungan Museum Brawijaya tahun 2016-2018; (4) Arsip kunjungan Perpustakaan Museum Brawijaya tahun 2016-2018; (5) Arsip piagam kegiatan pameran keliling; (6) Arsip data registrasi koleksi Museum Brawijaya; (7) Arsip data registrasi koleksi Perpustakaan Museum Brawijaya; (8) Penelitian terdahulu. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa eksistensi perkembangan Museum Brawijaya dapat dilihat melalui arus perkembangan koleksi dan pelaksana pengelola Museum yang mana mencerminkan bahwa adanya perkembangan didalam Museum Brawijaya. Poin utama upaya pendidikan di Museum Brawijaya ialah guna meningkatkan rasa nasionalisme dan semangat patriotik pun juga untuk pendidikan mental prajurit ABRI. Pada penelitian ini terlihat bahwa adanya Museum Brawijaya berdampak pada bidang pendidikan dengan menganalisis data pengunjung Museum Brawijaya pada tahun 1968-2018 dan bidang ekonomi.
Kata Kunci : Museum Brawijaya, Eksistensi, Nilai Edukatif
Name : Alifiani Kurnia Risdianti
Study Program : S1 Historical Education
Majors : Historical Education
Faculty : Faculty of Social Sciences and Law
Institution Name : Surabaya State University
Advisor : Eko Satriya Hermawan, S.Hum., M.A.
This research discusses (1) what is the background for the building of the Brawijaya Museum; (2) How was the development of the museum both in terms of collection and management during the years 1968-1999; (3) How the efforts of Brawijaya Museum to present educational values during the years 1968-2018. This research uses historical research method which consists of four stages, namely the heuristic process, namely the collection of sources obtained from the Surabaya State University Library, Malang State University Library, Brawijaya Museum Library. The second stage is source criticism, namely testing and verifying the sources obtained. The third stage is interpretation, which is interpreting the data that has been obtained and has passed the verification process. The fourth stage is historiography, which is writing the results of historical research chronologically and analytically according to the research theme.
This study uses research sources;(1) Archives of Decree No.75/III/4/1968 about the completion of the construction of the Brawijaya Museum and the naming of the Brawijaya Museum building; (2) Archive Document No. 154/12/1967 regarding the plan to build and name the monument; (3) Archives of the visit of the Brawijaya Museum 2016-2018; (4) Archives of visits to the Brawijaya Museum Library for 2016-2018; (5) Archives of traveling exhibiton activity charter; (6) Archives of registration data for the collection of Brawijaya Museum; (7) Archives of registration data for the collection of the Brawijaya Museum Library; (8) Previous research. This research shows that the existence of the development of the Brawijaya Museum can be seen through the flow of collection development and museum management which reflects that there is a development in the Brawijaya Museum. The main of educational efforts at te Brawijaya Museum is to increase the sense of nationalism and patriotic spirit as well as for the mental education of ABRI soldiers. In this study, it can be seen that the existence of the Brawijaya Museum has an impact on the education sector by analying visitor data to the Brawijaya Museum in 1968-2018 and th economic sector.
Keywords: Brawijaya Museum, Existence, Educational Value