Public service providers are required to always improve the quality of services and ensure the provision of public
services in accordance with apllicable regulations, so that there is a need for regulations on guidelines for public service
standards that aim to support good service quality. This research was conducted at the Sukodono Village Office,
Sidoarjo Regency with the aim of describing and reviewing the implementation of village government administration service especially in population administration service based on indicators of public service standards (service delivery)
contained in PERMENPAN-RB Number 15 of 2014. The type of research used is descriptive research with a qualitative
approach. Sources of data obtained from primary data and secondary data, primary data obtained from interviews,
observation, and documentation. Interviews were conducted with the Head of Sukodono Village, Head of TU and
General Affairs as well as the community of Sukodono Village who had carried out population administration
management. Observation is done by observing wich direct observation about the object to be described in the study in
order to provide a real picture. Explanation of the contents of the documentation is a archival images, notes, and
recordings of interviews. The results showed that the implementation of population administration services at the
Sukodono Village Office was in accordance with public service standards but’nt fully maximized it can be seen from
the requirements are complete and clearly proven. Sukodono village goverments in terms of implementing the
requirements has socialized to the head of local RT about what requierements must be prepared in the management of
population administration. But if viewed from the point of view of providing information on service requirements as a
result of observation in tne field, these conditions are only placed on the service counter table and printed in too small a
font size displayed’nt on the village information board. The system for implementing population administration services
at the Sukodono Village Office is carried out manually and online, for manual ones, residents can directly come to the
village office and convey what needs to be taken care of so that the village can directly serve according to the
applicant's needs, then online residents can take care of own population administration needs through the SIPRAJA
application (Sidoarjo People's Service System), the results of observations in the field of mechanisms/procedures are
not displayed on the village information board. The service period is quite good, as can be seen from the speed of
service completion, the speed and timeliness of service is certainly supported by adequate facilities and infrastructure
and the competence of skilled employees in their fields. The cost of services provided by the Sukodono Village office is
free of charge, all costs are borne by the village in accordance with applicable regulations, but if viewed from the point
of view of providing service fee information from field observations, cost information is not displayed on the village
information board. The results of service products in the form of Birth Certificates, Death Certificates, Applications for
Submission of New KTP or Changes in KTP, Applications for Submission of new KK and/or adding data in KK, and
Certificate of Domicile have been carried out quite well, there are no errors when inputting data so that the output of the
documents provided the data is quite clear. The complaint handling service facility has not been implemented properly,
in this case the Sukodono Village office has not provided a suggestion box and village website so that the community in
terms of complaints tends to come directly to the village office.
Keywords: Service Standards, Public Service, Population Administration, Village