Hubungan Antara Self Efficacy dan Locus of Control dengan Kematangan Karier Siswa SMA
The Relationship Between Self Efficacy and Locus of Control with The Career Maturity of High School Students
Penelitian ini didasari oleh kebutuhan akan kematangan karier guna mempersiapkan siswa SMA memilih jalur pendidikan yang tepat, sementara banyak siswa belum memiliki kesiapan matang. Hal tersebut diakibatkan oleh rendahnya kemampuan perencanaan karier, pengetahuan yang kurang tentang pendidikan lanjutan dan dunia kerja, serta kecenderungan mengikuti pilihan teman tanpa mempertimbangkan potensi diri. Tujuan penelitian ini mengkaji keterkaitan antara self efficacy dan locus of control dengan kematangan karier siswa SMA. Penelitian ini menerapkan pendekatan kuantitatif yang berjenis ex post facto melalui desain korelasional, yang memiliki populasi 4.383 siswa dengan sampel 367 siswa dari empat sekolah di Surabaya. Instrumen yang digunakan terdiri dari Career Maturity Inventory (CMI), General Self Efficacy (GSE), dan Rotter Locus of control (RLC). Analisis data dilakukan dengan teknik kendall’s tau dan kendall’s W. Hasil menunjukkan adanya hubungan signifikan antara self efficacy dan locus of control dengan kematangan karier, serta kontribusi keduanya terhadap kematangan karier. Temuan ini menegaskan bahwa percaya diri dan keyakinan terhadap kontrol diri sangat memengaruhi kematangan karier. Peran guru BK dibutuhkan dalam mendukung pengembangan self efficacy dan locus of control siswa melalui layanan bimbingan dan konseling yang terarah dan berkesinambungan. Penelitian ini berkontribusi pada teori dan praktik bimbingan dan konseling dalam memperkuat kematangan karier siswa.
Kata kunci: Self efficacy, Locus of control, Kematangan Karier, Siswa SMA, Guru BK
This research is based on the need for career maturity to prepare high school students to choose the right educational path, while many students do not have mature readiness. This is caused by low career planning skills, lack of knowledge about further education and the world of work and the tendency to follow friends' choices without considering their potential. The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between self efficacy and locus of control with the career maturity of high school students. This study applied a quantitative approach of ex post facto type through a correlational design, which had a population of 4,383 students with a sample of 367 students from four schools in Surabaya. The instruments used consisted of Career Maturity Inventory (CMI), General Self efficacy (GSE), and Rotter Locus of control (RLC). Data were analyzed using Kendall's Tau and Kendall's W techniques. Results showed a significant relationship between self efficacy and locus of control with career maturity, as well as their contribution to career maturity. This finding confirms that self efficacy and belief in locus of control greatly influence career maturity. The role of counseling teachers is needed in supporting the development of students' self efficacy and locus of control through directed and continuous guidance and counseling services. This research contributes to the theory and practice of guidance and counseling in strengthening students' career maturity.
Keywords: Self efficacy, Locus of control, Career Maturity, High School Students, School Counselor