Standar kosakata anak usia 5 tahun ke atas lebih dari 1400 kata. Kosakata siswa tunarungu dirasa masih rendah atau belum mencapai standar. Penelitian ini menambah kosakata siswa kurang lebih 30 kata dengan diuji berupa tes tulis sejumlah 15 kata. Jenis penguasaan kosakata yang dikembangkan berbentuk pasif reseptif dan aktif produktif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh model induktif kata bergambar terhadap pengusaan kosakata siswa tunarungu.
Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan jenis penelitian pre-eksperimental, dan rancangan penelitian one-group pretest-posttest design. Hasil rata-rata pretest menunjukkan nilai 63.33 dan hasil rata-rata posttest mendapatkan nilai 83.33. Treatment diberikan sebanyak 6 kali pertemuan. Hasil nilai yang diperoleh siswa NI mendapatkan nilai tertinggi dan siswa RG mendapatkan nilai terendah. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ada pengaruh model induktif kata bergambar terhadap penguasaan kosakata siswa tunarungu secara signifikan dengan hasil Zh=2,52 lebih dari Zt=1,96 dengan nilai kritis 5%.
Kata kunci : Induktif Kata Bergambar, Kosakata, Tunarungu.
The vocabulary standard of 5 years old children above was more than 1400 words. The hearing impairment students’ vocabularies were felt still low or did not reach the standard yet. This research added the students’ vocabularies more or less 30 words and the students were tested in the form of written test to the amount of 15 words. The kind of mastering vocabularies developed was in the form of passive receptive and active productive. This research had purpose to know the influence of picture word inductive model toward mastering vocabularies to the hearing impairment students.
This research used quantitative approach with pre-experimental kind, and the research arrangement was one group pretest-posttest design. The average result of pretest indicated score 63,33 and the average result of posttest obtained score 83,33. The treatment was given 6 times meeting. The value result obtained by student NI got the highest value and student RG got the lowest value. This research result indicated that there was significantly influence of picture word inductive model toward mastering vocabularies to the hearing impairment students with the result: Zh = 2,52 was greater than Zt = 1,96 with critic value 5%.
Keywords: Picture Word Inductive, Vocabularies, Hearing Impairment.