Masih sulit ditemukan produk tepung berbahan lokal tersedia secara pabrikan, dimana semakin hari bahan baku tepung berbahan lokal semakin menghilang (berkurang). Dampaknya produk tepung berbahan lokal semakin kurang diperhatikan kebermanfaatannya bagi masyarakat. Ditinjau dari bahan bakunya, Churros dibuat dari bahan dasar tepung terigu (bahan impor). Sementara bahan lokal pengganti tepung terigu belum banyak dimanfaatkan seperti tepung tiwul tawar. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah (1) mengetahui sifat organoleptik Churros dengan substitusi tepung tiwul instan. (2) Mengetahui analisis deskriptif sifat organolrptik Churros yang terbaik (3) Mengetahui tingkat kesukaan panelis terhadap Churros yang terbaik. Metode penelitian ini adalah pendekatan eksperimen berulang hingga diperoleh kriteria hasil Churros yang terbaik. Uji coba dilakukan di Laboratorium Pastry dan Bakery Jurusan PKK/FT UNESA pada bulan September sampai dengan bulan Oktober. Desain Uji coba ini terdiri 3 perlakuan substitusi tepung tiwul instan yaitu ; 10%, 20%, dan 30%. Pengambilan data sifat organoleptik produk Churros dengan cara observasi bantuan instrumen lembar uji organoleptik kepada panelis berjumlah 35 orang yaitu 10 orang terlatih, 25 orang semi terlatih. Analisis data secara deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil uji coba menunjukkan proporsi terbaik substitusi tepung terigu dan tepung tiwul tawar instan pada pembuatan Churros yang terbaik berbanding 90% tepung terigu 10% untuk tepung tiwul instan. Sifat organoleptik Churros hasil uji coba terbaik menunjukkan bahwa bentuk, warna, aroma, rasa, kerenyahan, dan kesukaan dinyatakan dapat diterima oleh panelis dan jika dimasukkan kedalam tabel pengkategorian indikator produk berdasarkan presentase panelis termasuk kategori produk sangat baik. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulan bahwa produk Churros dengan substitusi tepung tiwul tawar instan dapat disukai dan layak diterima oleh konsumen.
It is still difficult to find flour products made from locally available manufacturers, where the raw materials for flour made from local are increasingly disappearing (decreased). As a result, local flour products are getting less and less attention to their benefits for the community. Judging from the raw material, Churros are made from wheat flour (imported material). Meanwhile, local ingredients to replace wheat flour have not been widely used, such as plain tiwul flour. The aims of this study were (1) to determine the organoleptic properties of Churros with instant tiwul flour substitution. (2) Knowing the descriptive analysis of the organolrptic characteristics of the best Churros (3) Knowing the level of preference of the panelists on the best Churros. This research method is an iterative experimental approach until the criteria for the best Churros results are obtained. The trial was carried out at the Pastry and Bakery Laboratory of the PKK/FT UNESA Department from September to October. This trial design consisted of 3 treatments of instant tiwul flour substitution, namely; 10%, 20%, and 30%. Data collection on organoleptic properties of Churros products by means of observation with the help of organoleptic test sheet instruments to a panel of 35 people, namely 10 trained people, 25 semi-trained people. Descriptive quantitative data analysis. The trial results show the best proportion of substitution of wheat flour and instant plain tiwul flour in making the best Churros compared to 90% wheat flour 10% for instant tiwul flour. The organoleptic properties of Churros from the best trial results showed that the shape, color, aroma, taste, crispness, and preference were declared acceptable by the panelists and if they were entered into the product indicator categorization table based on the percentage of panelists, it was in the very good product category. Thus it can be concluded that Churros products with instant plain tiwul flour substitution can be liked and deserved to be accepted by consumers.