Metode penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kuantitatif dengan menggunakan desain one-shot case study dengan sampel 8 siswa tunagrahita ringan di SLB Negeri Gedangan Sidoarjo
Hasil penelitian yang didapat pada post test menunjukkan nilai p(x) 0,00004 yang lebih kecil dari nilai krisis α 5% yaitu 1,000. Apabila diketahui p(x) ≤ α maka membuktikan bahwa Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada pembuatan bola-bola ubi sehat berorientasi direct instruction terhadap keterampilan vokasional siswa tunagrahita ringan.
Kata Kunci : Keterampilan vokasional, Direct Instruction, Siswa Tunagrahita Ringan.
Vocational skill was a learning which focused to a practice and it had purpose to prepare the learners talent and interest. In this research, the mild mentally retardation students were still less ability in the skill of making health tuber balls in order that it required learning model which was adjusted to the students ability. The learning model applied in vocational skill of making health tuber balls in this research was the model of direct instruction.
The model of direct instruction was direct learning which was specifically designed by the teacher in learning process which was done in step and step by step. This research method was descriptive quantitative using one-shot case study design with 8 samples of mild mentally retardation students in SLB Negeri Gedangan Sidoarjo.
The research result obtained to the post test indicated that p(x) value 0,00004, which was smaller than critic value α 5%, was 1,000. If it had been known p (x) ≤ α it proved that Ha was refused and Ha was accepted so that it could be concluded that there was influence of making health tuber balls orienting direct instruction toward vocational skill of mild mentally retardation students.
Keywords: Vocational skill, direct instruction, mild mentally retardation students