Perlawanan Proletar dalam Novel-novel Herta Müller: Kajian Dialektika Naratologi
Kata-kata Kunci: perlawanan, konstruksi, representasi, dialektika naratologi
Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi hasil pembacaan terhadap novel-novel Herta Müller Herztier (HT) dan Der Fuchs war damals schon der Jäger (FJ). Dua novel tersebut melalui konstruksi naratifnya menggambarkan perlawanan tokoh-tokoh proletar untuk membebaskan diri dari ketertindasan dan keterasingan. Berdasarkan alasan tersebut penelitian difokuskan untuk menemukan representasi perlawanan proletar dalam HT dan FJ, dan dibagi dalam tiga subfokus, yaitu konstruksi naratif perlawanan proletar, representasi historis perlawanan proletar, dan representasi ideologis perlawanan proletar dalam novel HT dan FJ. Penelitian ini menggunakan kajian dialektika naratologi, yaitu kajian interdisipliner hasil integrasi antara teori realisme Lukács dan teori naratif Stanzel. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan sosiologi sastra karena sastra diyakini memiliki hubungan dialektis dengan realitas – sastra sebagai mimesis. Penciptaan sastra karena realitas, dan sebaliknya sastra menjadi wujud perlawanan pengarang untuk memperbaiki realitas. Data penelitian adalah bentuk kebahasaan dan situasi penceritaannya yang mewujudkan perlawanan proletar dalam sumber data, yaitu novel HT dan FJ karya Herta Müller. Data penelitian dikumpulkan dengan langkah-langkah (1) identifikasi, (2) dokumentasi, (3) klasifikasi, dan kodifikasi data. Analisis data menggunakan metode hermeneutika Gadamer, yaitu pemahaman teks tidak pernah lepas dari situasi spasio-temporal pembaca dan teks - otoritas dan tradisi -, melainkan selalu merupakan interseksi situasi pembaca dan teks, yang disebut dengan Horizontverschmelzung (peleburan horison-horison). Berdasarkan metode hermeneutika tersebut, interpretasi terhadap teks merujuk pada tiga dimensi, yaitu deskripsi, eksplanasi, dan interpretasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (I) Konstruksi naratif novel HT dan FJ karya Herta Müller, yang dihasilkan oleh gabungan antara skema dan dinamika situasi penceritaannya, merepresentasikan perlawanan proletar di Rumania pada era kepemimpinan presiden Ceausescu. (II) Novel HT dan FJ karya Herta Müller, melalui gambaran totalitas realitas historis sebagai produk konflik dan perjuangan kelas di Rumania dalam rentang waktu sebelum hingga akhir masa kepemimpinan presiden Ceausescu merepresentasikan perlawanan proletar di Rumania. Representasi totalitas realitas historis digambarkan melalui (a) gerakan perlawanan tokoh-tokoh proletar yang memiliki kesadaran realitas, (b) Gerak perkembangan historis Rumania adalah produk dari proses teleologis aktor dan struktur sejarah, (c) Realitas historis Rumania merupakan produk dari konflik dan pengkhianatan para aktor sejarah, (d) wilayah geografis Rumania di bawah kepemimpinan Ceausescu adalah produk dari proses perkembangan historis sebelumnya, (e) Keragaman etnis dalam struktur sosial Rumania di bawah kepemimpinan Ceausescu sebagai produk sejarah masa lalu, (III) Konstruksi naratif dan representasi historis dalam novel HT dan FJ merupakan wujud perlawanan Herta Müller yang didasari oleh ideologi ideologi pembebasan dan ideologi melawan lupa.
Keywords: resistance, construction, representation, dialectical narratology
This research was motivated by reading the novels of Herta Müller Herztier (HT) and Der Fuchs war damals schon der Jäger (FJ). The two novels through their narrative construction depict the resistance of the proletarian characters to free themselves from oppression and alienation. Based on this reason, the research is focused on finding representations of proletarian resistance in HT and FJ, and is divided into three sub-focuses: narrative construction of proletarian resistance, historical representations of proletarian resistance, and ideological representations of proletarian resistance in novels HT and FJ. This study uses a dialectical study of narratology, which is an interdisciplinary study resulting from the integration between Lukács's realism theory and Stanzel's narrative theory. This study uses a sociology of literature approach because literature is believed to have a dialectical relationship with reality – literature as mimesis. The creation of literature because of reality, and vice versa, literature is a form of resistance by the author to improve reality. The research data is the linguistic form and the storytelling situation that embodies the proletarian resistance in the data sources, namely the novels HT and FJ by Herta Müller. The research data was collected by the steps of (1) identification, (2) documentation, (3) classification, and (4) data codification. Data analysis uses Gadamer's hermeneutic method, where understanding the text is never separated from the spatio-temporal situation of the reader and the text - authority and tradition -, but is always an intersection of the situation of the reader and the text, which is called Horizontverschmelzung (fusion of horizons). Based on the hermeneutic method, the interpretation of the text refers to three dimensions: description, explanation, and interpretation. The results show: (I) The narrative construction of the novels HT and FJ by Herta Müller, which is produced by a combination of the scheme and the dynamics of the narrative situation, represents the proletarian resistance in Romania during the era of President Ceausescu's leadership. (II) Herta Müller's novel HT and FJ, through depicting the totality of historical reality as a product of conflict and class struggle in Romania in the period before to the end of the presidency of Ceausescu, represents the proletarian resistance in Romania. The representation of the totality of historical reality is depicted through (a) the resistance movement of proletarian figures who have an awareness of reality, (b) Romania's historical development movement is the product of the teleological process of actors and historical structures, (c) Romania's historical reality is the product of conflict and betrayal of the historical actors, (d) the geographical area of Romania under Ceausescu's leadership was a product of the previous historical development process, (e) Ethnic diversity in the social structure of Romania under Ceausescu's leadership as a product of past history, (III) Narrative construction and historical representation in the novel HT and FJ are Herta Müller's forms of resistance based on the ideology of liberation and the ideology of fighting forgetfulness.