"The Influence of Celebrity Endorser, Electronic
Word of Mouth (E-WOM), and Content Marketing on Purchase INTENTION in Shopee
E-Commerce Mediated by Brand Image "
Name : Devie Rusiana
Student ID : 21071295011
Departement : Magister of Management
Faculty : Economics and
Years : 2025
Institution : State University of
Adviser : Prof. Dr. Sri
Setyo Iriani, SE., M.Si.
Dr. Andre
Dwijanto Witjaksono, S.T., M.Si
This research aims to delve into the influence of
celebrity endorsers, electronic word of mouth (e-WOM), and content marketing on
purchase intention through brand image. The phenomenon of celebrity endorsers,
which is currently popular, is used as an effective strategy in marketing,
especially in the world of e-commerce. Additionally, information related to a
product that is widely spread on the internet, whether positive or negative,
can influence consumer behavior towards the product. In the digital era, consumers
can easily view content distributed by a company that contains information
related to a product. This research uses a quantitative approach with the
Partial Least Squares (PLS) method, a variant-based Structural Equation
Modeling (SEM) analysis technique that allows simultaneous testing of
measurement models and structural models. The data was collected from
respondents who are aware of Shopee e-commerce and are influenced by celebrity
endorser Vidi Aldiano, reviews on the internet by Shopee consumers, and content
on Shopee's social media. The research sample was selected using the purposive
sampling method to ensure that respondents have sufficient knowledge about the
product being studied.
The results of this study indicate that celebrity
endorsers, e-WOM, and content marketing have a significantly positive effect on
purchase intention in Shopee e-commerce. Furthermore, the study also shows that
content marketing has a significantly positive effect on brand image. However,
celebrity endorsers and e-WOM do not have a significant effect on brand image.
Additionally, this study found that brand image has a significantly positive
effect on purchase intention in Shopee e-commerce. For the mediation variable,
which is brand image, the study shows that brand image cannot mediate the
relationship between celebrity endorsers and e-WOM with purchase intention in
Shopee e-commerce. However, brand image can mediate the relationship between
content marketing and purchase intention in Shopee e-commerce.
Keywords : Celebrity Endorser, Electronic
Word of Mouth, Content Marketing, Purchase Intention, Brand Image, Shopee.