Functional thinking is a
foundational concept for learning advanced algebra and calculus in both
secondary and tertiary education. However, many middle school students struggle
to establish connections between quantities and express these relationships mathematically
using abstract algebraic notation. This challenge exists since middle school
students are ini a transition from early algebraic thinking to more advanced
algebraic concepts. Cognitive style is a significant factor influencing one's
algebraic abilities includes functional thinking. Therefore, investigating the
process of functional thinking in middle school students based on their
cognitive styles is crucial.
This study aims to describe: (1)
the functional thinking profiles of a verbalizer student in solving
mathematical problems, (2) the functional thinking profiles of an object
visualizer students in solving mathematical problems, and (3) the functional
thinking profiles of a spatial visualizer student in solving mathematical
The participants on this study
were three of thirty students selected from a state junior high school in
Gresik Regency, East Java, Indonesia. The selection was based on their
three-dimensional cognitive styles: verbalizer, object visualizer, and spatial
visualizer. Additionally, the selection considered their relatively similar
algebra abilities and gender (male).
The data collection instruments
included: (1) three-dimensional cognitive style adapted from Blazhenkova &
Kozhevnikov (2009) to determine the students' cognitive styles (verbalizer,
object visualizer, and spatial visualizer), (2) Algebraic Thinking Test (TBA)
consisting of arithmetic generalization problems, functional thinking,
mathematical modeling, and algebraic proofs to select the participants with
relatively similar algebra abilities, (3) Mathematical Problem Solving Task
(TPMM) to explore the students' functional thinking profiles, (4) Interview
guide. Meanwhile, data collection was conducted through task-based interviews.
The data analyzed in this study
included student answer sheets, interview transcripts, and field notes. The
researcher employed three data analysis stages: data condensation, data
presentation, and conclusion drawing and verification. To validate the findings,
the researcher implemented within-method triangulation by designing and
implementing three different tasks to explore the students' functional thinking
profiles: object configuration problems, function machine problems, and
real-life function problems.
The results of the study
revealed that a junior high school student with verbalizer cognitive style show
that all components of functional thinking, namely noticing, generalizing and
expressing it mathematically, appear while the student was solving mathematical
problems. The noticing component is demonstrated through the aspect of
identifying structures, features/characteristics that change or remain and
identifying what aspects can be quantified. The generalizing component is
carried out with recursive generalization and explicit generalization.
Recursive generalization for close generalization and explicit generalization
for far generalization, except for functional problems in the daily life, the
Verbalizer does not use recursive generalization. The expressing it
mathematically component is demonstrated through the aspect of using
symbols/letters to represent variables and expressing relationships between
quantities using variables and equations. The aspect that appears repeatedly is
using symbols/letters to represent variables. The symbols/letters for this are
used to express the independent variable while the dependent variable uses
sentences except in function machine problems where both use symbols. Among the
three students, the algebraic notation made by the verbalizer is more advanced
because it is closer to the standard.
The results obtained by students
with the object visualizer cognitive style are that all components of
functional thinking and their aspects can be demonstrated. However, in the
aspect of identifying structures, features/characteristics that change or remain
and identifying what aspects can be quantified, this is done repeatedly.
Identification of structures, features/characteristics that change or remain
fixed is initially carried out based on the information provided in the
problem, while the second identification is carried out by the object
visualizer subject from the equations, he himself created, namely by
identifying changing numbers as variables and numbers which remains as a
constant. On the other hand, the second identification of aspects that can be
quantified is carried out to ensure that no aspects are missed or ignored. The
algebraic notations created by the object visualizer are "icons" that
have individual meaning.
The results obtained for
students with a spatial visualizer cognitive style are that all components of
functional thinking and their aspects can be demonstrated except in the object
configuration problem, spatial visualizer subjects cannot express relationships
between quantities using variables and equations mathematically. The aspect
that appears repeatedly is using symbols/letters to represent variables. Apart
from that, the algebraic notation created is also an "icon" that has
individual meaning. The implications of the results of this study highlight the
important role of cognitive style in shaping students' functional thinking
profiles. These differences in cognitive styles have implications for the
learning approaches used and more personalized support to improve the
achievement of better mathematics learning outcomes, for example differentiated