Pradana, Rendra Wahyu . 2023. Development of Individualized Learning Program in Physical Education to Improve Motor Skills of MDVI (Multiple Disabilities With Visual Impairment) Children. Dissertation. S3 Study Program in Sport Science. Postgraduate Program, Surabaya State University. Promoter: Prof. Dr.Nurhasan, M.Kes. and Co-Promoter: Prof. Drs. Suroto, M.A., Ph.D.
Keywords: Individualized Learning Program, Physical Education, Motor Skills, and MDVI (Multiple Disabilities With Visual Impairment).
This research focuses on the subject of physical education, with a special theme to improve students motor skills. The purpose of this research is to develop an individualized physical education learning program to improve the motor skills of MDVI (Multiple Disabilities With Visual Impairment) children. This research method is classified as development research followed by a trial using an experimental design (pretest and posttest design). The research subjects were students with special needs from SLB Negeri Jombang, SLB Balongsari Jombang, SLB Tunas Harapan III Mojoagung, SLB Tunas Harapan II Peterongan, SLB Tunas Harapan I Tembelang.
The results of the research have produced PPIs to improve the motor skills of MDVI children. The PPI that has been developed and tested has produced learning steps that are believed to be able to improve students motor skills by following the following learning steps: (a) Forming an IEP team, namely class teachers, subject teachers, school principals, special assistant teachers (GPK), parents, and professionals; (b) identification and analysis of assessments, namely Assessments carried out include learning, socio-emotional, communication, and neuromotor functions; (c) developing PPI to improve motor skills, namely designing motor movements according to the special needs of each child; (d) Implementation Stage, namely giving motor movement tasks according to the special needs of each child (e) Evaluation Stage, which is the main activity that needs to be carried out, namely reviewing and reporting to determine the feasibility and effectiveness of a program compared to student abilities.
The conclusion of this research is that an Individualized Learning Program has been produced that is believed to improve the motor skills of MDVI children. From the results of the PPI trial, the learners motor skills have improved significantly after implementing the Individualized Learning Program. The practicality, effectiveness and suitability of the Individualized Learning Program can be applied to MDVI children well.