Pengembangan Aplikasi Volleyball Assesment Tool Untuk Mengetahui Performa Tim Dalam Pertandingan Bolavoli
Volleyball Assesment tool Development To Determine Team Performance In Volleyball Match
Aplikasi Volleyball Assesment Tool dikembangkan berdasarkan kebutuhan tim Bolavoli Surabaya Bhayangkara Samator yang belum mempunyai Volleyball Information System (VIS). Tujuannya untuk menilai (assessment) atlit secara lengkap berdasarkan kebutuhan dan kepuasan pelanggan (pelatih) yaitu diantaranya a. serve (Area, Ace, Rally, Fail) b. receive (Area, Good, Bad, Fail) c. toss (Area, Good, Bad, Fail) d. attack (Area, Success, Rally, Fail) e. block (Area, Success, Rally, Fail) f. Dig (Area, Success, Rally, Fail) agar pelatih dapat membuat keputusan dan strategi yang tepat untuk meningkatkan performa tim saat pertandingan berlangsung dan cetak data statistik pemain setelah pertandingan selesai untuk evaluasi. Semua data diolah oleh aplikasi Volleybal Assesment Tool dan diimplementasikan oleh pelatih sebagai penilaian khusus. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode agile. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi dapat diselesaikan menggunakan metode agile yang dikembangkan berdasarkan kebutuhan dan kepuasan pelanggan. Hasil penelitian studi literatur lain tentang penggunaan VIS di Universitas Indonesia menunjukkan hasil analisis pre-test skor kognitif adalah 44,28 dan post-test adalah 72,7, dengan perkembangan persentase rata-rata 67,9%. Sementara itu, rata-rata skor latihan adalah 82,35. Dalam penelitian lain tentang Data Model Sistem Informasi Bolavoli, dari 112 Tim Bolavoli di Serbia didapatkan perbedaan yang signifikan yaitu tim yang menggunakan komputerisasi data mempunya nilai rata rata lebih tinggi dibanding tim yang tidak menggunakan komputerisasi data. Maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa metode agile dapat digunakan untuk melakukan pembuatan aplikasi dengan memprioritaskan kebutuhan pelanggan dan aplikasi Volleyball Assesment Tool ini mampu mengetahui performa tim secara cepat karena assessment langsung diolah dan disajikan dalam bentuk data statistik lengkap secara realtime.
The Volleyball Assessment Tool application was developed based on the needs of the Surabaya Bhayangkara Samator volleyball team which does not yet have a Volleyball Information System (VIS). The goal is to assess (assessment) athletes completely based on customer needs and satisfaction (trainers), namely: a. serve (Area, Ace, Rally, Fail) b. receive (Area, Good, Bad, Fail) c. toss (Area, Good, Bad, Fail) d. attack (Area, Success, Rally, Fail) e. block (Area, Success, Rally, Fail) f. Dig (Area, Success, Rally, Fail) so the coach can make the right decisions and strategies to improve team performance during the match and print player statistics after the game is over for evaluation. All data is processed by the Volleybal Assessment Tool application and implemented by the trainer as a special assessment. The method used in this research is agile method. The results showed that the application can be completed using an agile method developed based on customer needs and satisfaction. The results of research on other literature studies on the use of VIS at the University of Indonesia show the results of the pre-test cognitive score analysis was 44.28 and the post-test was 72.7, with an average percentage development of 67.9%. Meanwhile, the average score for training was 82.35. In another study on the Volleyball Information System Model Data, from 112 Volleyball Teams in Serbia it was found that a significant difference was that the team using computerized data had a higher average score than the team that did not use computerized data. So it can be concluded that the agile method can be used to make applications by prioritizing customer needs and the Volleyball Assessment Tool application is able to determine team performance quickly because the assessment is directly processed and presented in the form of complete realtime statistical data.