Perbedaan Regulasi Emosi di Tinjau dari Jenis Kelamin Pada Kelas X Sekolah Menengah Atas Boarding School
Differences In Emotion Regulation In Terms Of Gender In Class X High School Students Boarding School
Emotional changes in adolescents are often unstable. This is often found in high school (SMA) students who live in dormitories. In regular schools, socially they can freely interact with many other environments. But different with students who are in the dormitory environment. In dormitories students are faced with conditions and a variety of different cultures that sometimes don’t suit themselves, this situation requires various students to have good control. This study aims to see the differences in emotional regulation between male and female students in class X SMA Boarding School. This study uses a comparative quantitative research method. Participants were taken using a saturated sample with all the population as samples. The population in this study were 645 students. The sample used was 474 students with a comparison of 232 male students and 242 female students. The age range of the participants was between 15-17 years with an average age of 16 years. The emotion regulation instrument in this study uses an emotion regulation scale that refers to Garnefski and Kraaij. The data analysis technique used independent t-test. The results show differences in emotional regulation between male and female students. There are five different aspects in regulating emotions, including aspects of acceptance, rumination, positive refocus, refocus on planning, and positive reappraisal. Overall, the results show that female students have higher average scores. The higher the value, the better in regulating emotions. Thus, female students are better able to manage their emotions than male student.