Self compacting concrete merupakan beton dengan kemampuan filling ability, passing ability, dan placing ability tinggi. Penelitian dilakukan secara eksperimental dengan merancang penggunaan electrical arc furnace slag sebagai subtitusi kerikil dan fly ash 30% dari semen sebagai filler. Variasi EAFS sebesar 0%, 10%, 30%, dan 50% dari berat kerikil. Pengujian meliputi karakteristik beton segar (slump flow test, v-funnel test, dan l-box test), yaitu berat volume, kuat tekan, dan porositas.
Hasil pengujian slump flow test menunjukkan SCC EAFS 0% menghasilkan filling ability terbaik dengan waktu flow (8 sekon). Pengujian passing ability menunjukkan SCC EAFS 10% memiliki kemampuan passing ability terbaik dengan nilai H2/H1 (0,993). Pengujian tingkat viskositas menghasilkan viskositas terendah pada SCC EAFS 50%. Hasil pengujian berat volume, SCC EAFS 50% memiliki berat volume tertinggi umur 28 hari (2573,70 kg/m3). Pengujian kiuat tekan tertinggi pada penggunaan EAFS 30% dengan kuat tekan umur 28 hari (44,37 Mpa). Kadar porositas, variasi dengan tingkat poroitas terkecil pada SCC EAFS 30% (2,03%). Kadar penggunaan EAFS 50% dengan berat volume tertinggi, menghasilkan kuat tekan lebih rendah umur 28 hari (35,63 Mpa) karena faktor porositas tertinggi (2,63%).
Kata kunci : Self compacting concrete, fly ash, berat volume, kuat tekan, porositas.
Self compacting concrete is a concrete with high filling ability, passing ability and placing ability. This experimentally study was conducted content by designing the use of electrical arc furnace slag (EAFS) as a substitution of gravel and 30% fly ash from cement as a filler. EAFS variations are 0%, 10%, 30%, and 50% of the weight of the gravel. Tests include characteristics of fresh concrete (slump flow test, v-funnel test, and l-box test), namely volume weight, compressive strength, and porosity.
The results of the slump flow test showed that 0% SCC EAFS produced the best filling ability with flow time (8 seconds). The passing ability test shows 10% SCC EAFS has the best passing ability with H2 / H1 (0.993). The viscosity test results in the lowest vicocity at 50% EAFS SCC. The results of the volume testing, 50% SCC EAFS has the highest volume weight at 28 days (2573.70 kg / m3). The highest compressive strength test was used on 30% EAFS with 28 days compressive strength (44.37 Mpa). Porosity level, variation with the smallest porosity level in 30% EAFS SCC (2.03%). The level of use of 50% EAFS with the highest volume weight resulted in a lower compressive strength of 28 days (35.63 MPa) due to the highest porosity factor (2.63%).
Keywords: Self compacting concrete, fly ash, EAFS, compressive strength, porosity.