Proses berpikir adalah serangkaian aktivitas mental yang dilakukan seseorang untuk mendapatkan informasi baru dan penyelesaian dari suatu permasalahan. Perbedaan proses berpikir siswa dalam menyelesaikan soal matematika dapat dipengaruhi oleh Adversity Quotient. Adversity Quotient adalah suatu kecerdasan dan kemampuan seseorang untuk menghadapi kesulitan atau hambatan yang berpengaruh terhadap keberhasilan seseorang. Penelitian ini menggunakan tiga tahapan proses berpikir yang meliputi (1) penerimaan informasi, (2) pengolahan informasi, dan (3) pembentukan kesimpulan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan proses berpikir siswa SMA tingkat climbers dan campers dalam menyelesaikan soal matematika. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Instrumen yang digunakan yaitu Adversity Response Profile, Soal matematika, dan pedoman wawancara. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada siswa kelas X SMA secara online, akibatnya hanya mendapatkan dua dari tiga tipe Adversity Quotient yaitu climbers dan campers. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa siswa climbers maupun campers mampu melakukan semua tahapan proses berpikir dalam menyelesaikan soal matematika yaitu penerimaan informasi, pengolahan informasi, dan pembentukan kesimpulan. Siswa climbers dan campers pada saat penerimaan informasi membaca soal dengan cermat. Siswa climbers membaca cukup sekali, sedangkan siswa campers membaca soal tiga sampai empat kali. Namun pada saat tahap pengolahan informasi pada salah satu soal, siswa climbers mengerjakannya sebanyak tiga kali sampai menemukan hasil yang benar. Siswa campers sempat ada kesalahan dalam menemukan hasil penyelesaian, tetapi dapat memberikan alasan melakukan kesalahan tersebut serta memperbaikinya dengan benar. Siswa climbers dapat membuat kesimpulan dari soal yang diberikan meskipun pada lembar jawaban tidak dituliskan himpunan penyelesaiannya. Berbeda dengan siswa campers yang dapat melakukannya dengan memberikan himpunan penyelesaian yang tepat.
The thought process is a series of mental activities carried out by a person to get new information and to solve a problem. The differences in students' thought processes in solving mathematics questions can be affected by Adversity Quotient. Adversity Quotient is a person's intelligence and ability to face difficulties or obstacles that affect one's success. This research uses three stages of a thinking process which includes (1) receiving information, (2) processing information, and (3) forming conclusions. The purpose of this research was to describe the thinking process of high school students at climbers and campers level in solving mathematics questions. This research is a descriptive qualitative research. The instruments used were the Adversity Response Profile, mathematics questions, and interview guidelines. This research was held online for high school students in grade 10. As a result, only two of the three types of Adversity Quotient, namely climbers and campers. The results of this research indicated that both climbers and campers students were able to perform all stages of the thinking process in solving math problems, namely receiving information, processing information, and forming conclusions. Climbers and campers students at the time of receiving information, read the questions carefully. Climbers students read once enough, while campers students read the questions three to four times. However, at the information processing stage on one of the questions, climbers students did it three times until they found the correct result. Also, student campers had errors in finding the solution but could provide reasons for making these mistakes and solve them correctly. In the forming conclusion, climbers and campers students carried out the predetermined plan well. Climbers students can make conclusions from the questions given even though in the answer sheet is not written the set of solutions. Unlike the campers student who can do this by providing the correct set of solutions.