Aktivitas fisik dapat mempengaruhi tingkat imunitas dan mengurangi resiko dari beberapa penyakit. Tujuan adanya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan mengidentifikasi aktivitas fisik lansia yang ada di kecamatan benowo selama masa pandemi Covid-19 dengan menggunakan tehnik sampling. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dengan analisa univariat menggunakan tehnik total sampling. Aktvitas fisik lansia diukur dengan menggunakan PASE (Physical Activity Scale for Elderly) versi bahasa Indonesia. Hasil penelitian ini melibatkan 55 lansia dengan jumlah pria 6 orang dan wanita 49 orang. Penelitian ini menunjukkan mayoritas peserta memiliki aktivitas dengan kategori ringan (53%). Dan hanya (7%) melakukan aktivitas dalam kategori berat. Dengan adanya wabah Covid-19 berdampak pada aktivitas fisik lansia. Untuk tetap menjaga kesehatan imunitas tubuh selama masa pandemi Covid-19 lansia diharap tetap melakukan aktivtas fisik meskipun dalam kategori rendah.
Kata Kunci: Aktivitas Fisik, Lansia, Covid-19
Physical activity could affect the immunity system and reduce the risk of exposure to several diseases. The purpose of this study was to determine and identify the physical activity of the elderly in Benowo sub-district during the Covid-19 pandemic with the use of a sampling technique. The research method used was univariate analysis using the total sampling technique. The physical activity of the elderly was measured using the Indonesian version of the PASE (Physical Activity Scale for Elderly). The result of this study involving 55 elderly with 6 men and 49 women. This study showed that the majority of participants had activity in the light category (53%) and only (7%) did activities in the heavy category. The Covid-19 pandemic has an impact on the physical activity of the elderly. In order to maintain healthy immunity during the Covid-19 pandemic, the elderly are expected to carry out physical activity even though it is in the low category.
Keywords: Physical Activity, Elderly, Covid-19