The Self-Worth of Cleaning Service Workers at the State University of Surabaya
Penelitian psikologi kualitatif ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan memahami self-worth petugas kebersihan di lingkungan Universitas Negeri Surabaya. Data penelitian dijaring melalui wawancara dengan tiga partisipan yang bekerja sebagai petugas kebersihan di universitas tersebut. Interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) atas data penelitian berhasil menyingkapkan perbedaan dinamika self-worth antar ketiga petugas kebersihan pada aspek-aspek kajian. Pada aspek performance, dua dari tiga petugas kebersihan menunjukkan gambaran diri yang baik. Pada aspek ability, ketiga petugas kebersihan memperlihatkan gambaran yang sama. Adapun pada aspek effort, ada satu petugas kebersihan saja yang memenuhi aspek tersebut. Artinya, satu petugas kebersihan memiliki self-worth lebih baik daripada kedua petugas kebersihan lainnya. Terungkap pula bahwa dukungan sosial dan standar moral beroperasi sebagai faktor protektif, sedangkan penampilan dan interaksi sosial berperan sebagai faktor risiko.
This qualitative psychological research aims to identify and understand the self-worth of cleaning service workers at the State University of Surabaya. Data was collected through interviews with three cleaners at this university who served as research participants. The Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis performed on the resulting data revealed individual differences in self-worth dynamics among the three cleaning service workers. In the performance aspect, two of them possessed a positive self-image. In the aspect of ability, all the three cleaning service workers displayed the same profiles. In the effort aspect, only one cleaning service worker exhibited it. In conclusion, one cleaning service worker had better self-worth than the other two. In addition, the research discovered that social support and moral standards served as protective factors, while appearances and social interaction operated as risk factors.