Novel yang berjudul “I Want to Eat Your Pancreas” karya Sumino Yoru, merupakan salah satu novel dari penulis asing yang popular di Indonesia. kepopuleran cerita dari novel ini telah diangkat menjadi sebuah film layar lebar. Novel ini memiliki dua ilustrasi sampul yang berbeda yang diterbitkan di Indonesia. Terbitan pertama pada tahun 2017 dan terbitan ke tiga pada tahun 2018. Perbedaan desain sampul tersebut menjadi alasan dilaksanakan penelitian dengan mencari analogi dan komparasi pada 2 (dua) visual desain sampul yang terkandung dalam novel tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan metode analisis komparasi yang disusun secara matriks. Pengumpulan data menggunakan metode observasi dan studi literatur. Proses penelitian ini dimulai dari melihat sampul novel, kemudian mendeskripsikan elemen-elemen desain apa saja yang ada pada sampul novel, yang meliputi; illustrasi, warna, tipografi, dan layout. Temuan dari penelitian ini, diketahui bahwa ilustrasi pada sampul Novel karya Sumino Yoru ini walaupun berbeda namun sama-sama dapat menjelaskan isi cerita dalam novel tersebut.
Kata kunci: Desain Sampul, Elemen Desain, Sumino Yoru, Komparasi
The novel, entitled "I Want to Eat Your Pancreas" by Sumino Yoru, is one of the most popular novels by foreign authors in Indonesia. The popularity of the story of this novel has been made into a feature film. This novel has two different cover illustrations published in Indonesia. The first issue was in 2017 and the third issue was in 2018. The difference in cover design is the reason why this research was conducted by looking for analogies and comparisons to the 2 (two) visual cover designs contained in the novel. This study uses qualitative research methods with comparative analysis methods arranged in a matrix. Collecting data using the method of observation and literature study. The research process starts from looking at the cover of the novel, then describes what design elements are on the cover of the novel, which includes; illustration, color, typography, and layout. The findings of this study, it is known that the illustrations on the cover of the novel by Sumino Yoru, although different, can explain the contents of the story in the novel.
Keywords: Cover Design, Design Elements, Sumino Yoru, Comparative.