Nama : Dhelila Ekka Eristikamaya
NIM : 15060474148
Program Studi : S-1
Jurusan : Pendidikan Kepelatihan Olahraga
Fakultas : Ilmu Olahraga
Nama Lembaga : Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Pembimbing : Drs. Machfud Irsyada, M.Pd
Latar belakang penelitian ini adalah belum adanya data jelas mengenai hasil tes kondisi fisik dan pengukuran antropometri untuk klub Eagle SC Surabaya dan Sparta Sidoarjo dan untuk mengetahui perbandingan kondisi fisik dan antropometri atlet bolavoli putri klub Eagle SC Surabaya dengan klub Sparta Sidoarjo. Subjek pada penelitian ini berjumlah 24 atlet kategori usia remaja U-16, 12 dari Eagle SC dan 12 dari Sparta. Komponen kondisi fisik yang dites adalah kondisi fisik dominan pada olahraga bolavoli meliputi kekuatan otot perut, kekuatan otot lengan, kelentukan, daya ledak otot tungkai, kelincahan, dan kecepatan. Untuk komponen antropometri meliputi tinggi badan, berat badan, panjang lengan, dan panjang tungkai. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan tes kondisi fisik dan pengukuran antropometri. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif dengan metode deskriptif. Metode deskriptif adalah suatu metode penelitian yang dilakukan untuk menggambarkan gejala, fenomena atau peristiwa tertentu. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah rerata hasil, simpangan baku (standart deviasi), dan persentase.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata sit up atlet klub Eagle SC sebanyak 36 kali termasuk kategori sedang. Sedangkan rata-rata atlet klub Sparta sebanyak 34 kali termasuk kategori kurang. Rata-rata tes push up atlet klub Eagle SC sebanyak 28 kali termasuk dalam kategori kurang. Sedangkan rata-rata atlet klub Sparta sebanyak 35 kali termasuk kategori sedang. Rata-rata tes kelentukan atlet klub Eagle SC sebanyak 18.9 inchi dan termasuk kategori baik. Sedangkan rata-rata atlet klub Sparta sebanyak 15.8 inchi dan termasuk kategori kurang. Rata-rata tes vertical jump atlet klub Eagle SC sebanyak 49 cm termasuk kategori diatas rata-rata. Sedangkan rata-rata atlet klub Sparta sebanyak 41 cm termasuk kategori diatas rata-rata. Rata-rata tes speed 30m atlet klub Eagle SC sebanyak 4.70 detik termasuk dalam kategori baik. Sedangkan rata-rata atlet klub Sparta sebanyak 5.20 detik termasuk kategori sedang. Rata-rata tes suttle run atlet bolavoli Eagle SC sebanyak 14.32 detik termasuk kategori sedang. Sedangkan rata-rata atlet klub Sparta sebanyak 13.40 detik termasuk kategori baik. Hasil pengukuran antropometri menunjukkan bahwa Rata-rata hasil pengukuran antropometri klub Eagle SC sama dengan hasil pengukuran antropometri klub Sparta dalam komponen pengukuran indeks massa tubuh, panjang lengan, dan panjang tungkai.
Kata kunci : Perbandingan, Kondisi Fisik, Antropometri, Bolavoli
Name : Dhelila Ekka Eristikamaya
Study Program : S-1
Department : Sports Coaching Education
Faculty : Sports Science
Name of Institution : Surabaya State University
Advisor : Drs. Machfud Irsyada, M.Pd.
The background of this study is that there is no clear data regarding the results of physical condition tests and anthropometric measurements for the Eagle SC Surabaya and Sparta Sidoarjo clubs and for comparing the physical and anthropometric conditions of female volleyball athletes at Eagle SC Surabaya club and Sparta Sidoarjo club. The subjects in this study amounted to 24 athletes in the age category of U-16, 12 adolescents from Eagle SC and 12 from Sparta. Components of the physical condition tested were the dominant physical conditions in volleyball exercise including abdominal muscle strength, arm muscle strength, flexibility, explosive muscle leg power, agility, and speed. For anthropometric components include height, weight, arm length and leg length. Data collection techniques using physical condition tests and anthropometric measurements. The type of research used is quantitative with descriptive method. Descriptive method is a method of research conducted to describe symptoms, phenomena or certain events. The data analysis technique used is the average yield, standard deviation, and percentage.
The results showed that the average number of sit-ups of Eagle SC athletes was 36 times in the medium category. While the average Sparta club athlete 34 times including the less category. The average push up test for Eagle SC club athletes is 28 times in the less category. While the average Sparta club athlete 35 times including the medium category. The average test score for the Eagle SC club athletes is 18.9 inches and is in the good category. While the average Sparta club athlete is 15.8 inches and is in the less category. The average vertical jump test of 49 cm of Eagle SC club athletes includes the above average category. While the average Sparta club athlete as much as 41 cm includes the category above the average. The average speed test of 30m of the 4.70 second Eagle SC club is included in the good category. While the average Sparta club athlete as much as 5.20 seconds is included in the medium category. On average, the regular test run of 14.32 seconds athletes of Eagle SC volleyball is in the medium category. While the average Sparta club athlete as much as 13.40 seconds including the good category. The results of anthropometric measurements show that the average anthropometric measurements of the club Eagle SC are the same as the results of Sparta club anthropometry in the components of measurement of body mass index, arm length, and leg length.
Keywords: Comparison, Physical Condition, Anthropometry, Volleyball