Perilaku merokok adalah suatu kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh seseorang untuk mengkonsumsi batang rokok yang telah dibakar dengan cara di hisap. Adanya fenomena di lapangan yang mengarah pada perilaku merokok siswa maka perlu peran serta berbagai pihak terutama guru BK dalam membantu siswa mengurangi perilaku merokok yaitu dengan menggunakan teknik self-management. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk menguji efektifitas konseling kelompok behavior teknik self-management untuk mengurangi perilaku merokok siswa kelas XI SMK Nurul Hidayah Bungah Gresik. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian pre experiment dengan rancangan penelitian yaitu one grup pretest – post test. metode pengumpulan data berupa angket. Teknik analisis dalam penelitian ini yaitu uji statistik non parametrik menggunakan uji wilcoxon. Subyek dalam penelitian ini adalah 6 siswa dari kelas XI memperoleh hasil pretest termasuk dalam kategori perilaku merokok tinggi.
Berdasarkan hasil analisis test statistic uji wilcoxon diketahui Asymp. Sig. (2- tailed) bernilai 0,027, Sehingga dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa penerapan konseling kelompok behavior teknik self-management dapat mengurangi perilaku merokok siswa kelas XI SMK Nurul Hidayah Bungah Gresik.
Kata kunci: Konseling Kelompok Behavior,Teknik Self-Management,Perilaku Merokok
The smoking behavior is an activity when someone consume cigarettes that have been burned by the way in suction. The existence of the phenomenon in the field, which leads to the smoking behavior of students need to handling of various parties especially Guidance and Counseling teacher. In this case, to help students reduce the smoking behavior by using the technique of self-management. The purpose of this study was to test the effectiveness of behavior group counseling with self-management technique to reduce the smoking behavior of eleven grade students of Vocational High School Nurul Hidayah Bungah Gresik. This kind of research is pre-experiment with the design of the study is one group pretest-posttest. The metode of data collecting in this study use questionnaire form. Analytical technique in the study used the non-parametric statistical tests using Wilcoxon Test. The subjects in this study was 6 students of eleven grades, the pre-test results included in the categories of smoking behaviour.
Based on the results of the analysis with Wilcoxon Test is known that the Asymp. Sig (2-tailed) value 0.027, so the conclusion that the application of group counseling behavior with self-management technique can reduce the smoking behavior of students of eleven grades of SMK Nurul Hidayah Bungah Gresik.
Keyword : Behavior Group Counseling, Self-Management Technique, The Smoking BehaviorÂ