Analisa Penerapan Value Engineering Pada Proyek Perluasan Terminal T1 Bandar Udara Juanda, Surabaya
The analysis of value engineering application in the Juanda Airport Terminal T1 Expansion Project, Surabaya
Proyek Perluasan Terminal T1 Bandar Udara Juanda Surabaya sebesar 29.000m2 memiliki anggaran Rp245.740.621.000,00. Proyek ini menonjolkan arsitekturalnya terutama bagian atap. RAB Proyek ini memiliki harga satuan Rp8.473.815,00/m2 lebih mahal dibanding harga standar di Sidoarjo. Perbedaan harga menunjukan peluang rekayasa nilai. Luasan proyek juga memenuhi kriteria lokakarya rekayasa nilai. Tujuan analisa VE adalah untuk mengetahui hasil penerapan VE pada pekerjaan arsitektur dan mengetahui potensi penghematan biaya. Metode analisa value engineering job plan yaitu tahap informasi, spekulasi/kreatif, evaluasi, pengembangan, dan rekomendasi. Hasil penerapan VE tersebut didapatkan 19 item pekerjaan antara lain ceiling u buffle diganti aluminium composite panel alloy 3003/3005 FR, ceiling gypsum board diganti calsium silicate, coating baja cat Marine Zone 160mic diganti cat Chugoku Seatender, atap metal aluminium zincalume PVDF diganti zincalume Ex. Pelangi, atap dak beton screed 5cm (ready mix K175) diganti screed anhidrit 5cm smooth finish, ikatan angin ø16 diganti ø16 Ex. Karya Baja Semesta, curtain wall aluminium kaca tempered diganti ACP metal, tandem chair 5 seater metal tube diganti tandem chair Ex. IMAT, carpet antistatic property diganti carpet Ex. Suminoe, check in counter desk plywood 18mm finish solid surface diganti plywood 18mm finish stainless steel, lantai homogenouse tile 60x60cm polished Ex. Platinum diganti Ex. Garuda tile, dinding bata ringan 10x20x60cm diganti hebel AAC Elephant Block Standar, rangka penggantung vertical garden baja UNP 100.50.5 diganti baja UNP 80.45.6, partisi cubicle toilet phenolic board diganti glass cubicle toilet. Potensi penghematan biaya sebesar Rp 25.85.797.789,51 atau 29,54% dari biaya total pekerjaan arsitektur.
Kata kunci: Rekayasa Nilai, Value Engineering Job Plan, Penghematan Biaya, Perluasan Bandara
The Juanda Airport Surabaya Terminal T1 Expansion Project by 29,000m2 with a budget of Rp. 245.740.621.000,00. This project highlights the architectural, especially the roof. The budget plan is Rp. 8,473,815.00/m2, which is more expensive than the standard price in Sidoarjo, and meets the criteria for a VE workshop, so it has the opportunity for value engineering. VE analysis aims to determine the results of VE architectural work and the potential cost savings. The VE job plan analysis method, namely the information, speculation/creative, evaluation, development, and recommendation stages. The results of applying VE to obtain 19 work items, including ceiling u buffle changed aluminium composite panel alloy 3003/3005 FR, ceiling gypsum board changed with calcium silicate, Marine Zone 160mic paint changed with Chugoku Seatender paint, aluminum metal roof zincalume PVDF changed with zincalume Ex. Pelangi, concrete roof (ready mix K175) changed with smooth anhydrite finish, bracing ø16 changed ø16 Ex. Karya Baja Semesta, tempered glass aluminum curtain wall changed with ACP metal, tandem chair five-seater metal tube changed with tandem chair Ex. IMAT, carpet antistatic property changed with Ex. Suminoe, plywood 18mm finish solid surface changed with plywood 18mm finish stainless steel, homogenous tile floor 60x60cm polished Ex. Platinum changed with homogeneous tile Ex. Garuda tile, light brick 10x20x60cm changed with AAC Elephant Block Standard, hanging frame UNP 100.50.5 changed with UNP 80.45.6, cubicle toilet partition phenolic board changed with glass cubicle toilet. The potential cost savings are Rp 25.85.797.789,51 or 29,54% of the total cost of architectural work.
Keywords: Value Engineering, Value Engineering Job Plan, Cost Savings, Airport Expansion