Fridyatama, Dimas Arya Soeadyfa. 2023. Development of ATC Simulator
Laboratory as a Practicum Facility for Aerodrome Flight Information Service
Course to Enhance AFIS Control Techniques at Aviation Polytechnic of Surabaya.
Dissertation, Vocational Education Study Program, Postgraduate Program,
Universitas Negeri Surabaya. Advisors: (I) Prof. Dr. Suparji, S.Pd., M.Pd and (II)
Dr. Meini Sondang Sumbawati, M.Pd.
Keywords: ATC Simulator Development, Aerodrome Flight Information Services,
Research and Development, Control Techniques.
This research aims to develop the ATC Simulator laboratory at Aviation
Polytechnic of Surabaya as a practicum facility for the Aerodrome Flight
Information Service (AFIS) course to enhance AFIS control techniques. The
development of the ATC Simulator involves several stages, including the design
development of the AFIS airport, AFIS practicum simulations, ATC Simulator
laboratory manual book, Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) of the ATC
Simulator laboratory, AFIS learning design, implementation of AFIS learning, and
the development of AFIS control technique assessment.
The research method used in the development is the Research and
Development (R&D) approach, adopting the Borg and Gall development model.
Consultation with experts in air traffic and aviation communication is conducted to
obtain inputs related to the developed product. Validation is carried out by several
experts, including air traffic experts, aviation communication experts, regulation
experts, air traffic education experts, and vocational education experts. The
feasibility observation sheet is used as a research instrument to evaluate the
feasibility of the developed product.
The validation results indicate that the ATC Simulator laboratory is suitable
for use without revision in most aspects of development, except for exercises or
AFIS practical simulation and instructional design, which require minor revisions.
Revisions were made until the ATC Simulator Laboratory is valid and suitable for
use as a practical tool for AFIS.
Furthermore, a comparison of AFIS control technique skills was conducted
between the use of the ATC Simulator laboratory and manual AFIS. The testing
was performed on 72 aviation communication students, divided into two groups:
the control group, which conducted simulations using the manual AFIS laboratory,
and the experimental group, which used the ATC Simulator laboratory, taking the
total scores from 4 trials. The test results indicate that H0 is rejected, and H1 is
accepted, or there is a significant difference between the two groups. The average
values of the experimental class show a higher score in AFIS technical control skills
compared to the control class.
In conclusion, the ATC Simulator laboratory effectively enhances AFIS control
technique skills in the AFIS course at Aviation Polytechnic of Surabaya. For further
research, the development of the ATC Simulator laboratory can be focused on the
development of a real airport and collaboration with airports for air traffic training
at Aviation Polytechnic of Surabaya.