Pengaruh Model Competence-Task Based Learning dan Learner Autonomy Terhadap Hasil Belajar Writing Mahasiswa
Competence-Task Based Learning Dan Learner Autonomy Terhadap Hasil Belajar Writing Mahasiswa
ABSTRAKMUBAROKAH, RAHMI L. 2022. Pengaruh Model Competence-Task Based LearningDan Learner Autonomy Terhadap Hasil Belajar Writing Mahasiswa. Disertasi,Program Studi Teknologi Pendidikan, Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri SurabayaPembimbing : (I) Prof. Dr. Yatim Riyanto, M.Pd., dan (II) Dr. Andi Mariono,M.Pd.Kata Kunci : Model Task-Based Learning (TBL), Competence-Based Learning (CBL),Learner Autonomy (LA), Hasil BelajarSituasi pandemi Covid-19 yang sedang mewabah membuat sektorpendidikan dipaksa untuk melaksanakan pembelajaran secara online (daring). Halini memunculkan berbagai permasalahan dalam sistem pendidikan di Indonesiasalah satunya ialah sistem pembelajaran yang bersifat pasif atau bersifat teachercenter yakni sistem pembelajaran yang terjadi dalam kelas masih didominasi olehdosen. Dosen memberikan materi yang bersifat satu arah tanpa didukung olehkreatifitas dan inovasi dari mahasiswa. Sedangkan kondisi ini tentunyabertentangan dengan Standar Nasional Pendidikan Tinggi, proses pembelajarandalam Kampus Merdeka merupakan salah satu perwujudan pembelajaran yangberpusat pada mahasiswa (student centered learning) yang sangat esensial.Melalui program merdeka belajar yang dirancang dan diimplementasikan denganbaik, maka hard dan soft skills mahasiswa akan terbentuk dengan kuat. Olehkarena itu, perlu adanya penerapan Model Competence- Task Based Learning(CTBL) dan Learner Autonomy (LA) yang nantinya dapat meningkatkan HasilBelajar mahasiswa, Mahasiswa dapat dikatakan memiliki hasil belajar yang lebihbaik dibandingkan sebelumnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahuipenerapan Model Competence- Task Based Learning dan Learner Autonomy (LA)yang nantinya dapat meningkatkan Hasil Belajar mahasiswa pada mata kuliahwriting di Universitas Islam Majapahit.Penelitian ini peneliti menggunakan metode penelitian Quasi ExperimentalDesign (Eksperimental Semu) Dalam desain ini membandingkan dua kelompokeksperimental maupun kelompok kontrol, kendati kelompok tersebut dipilih danditempatkan tanpa melalui randomisasi, karena kelas yang akan digunakan untukekspriment telah terbentuk sebelumnya.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Penerapan model pembelajaran ModelCompetence- Task Based Learning dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar writingmahasiswa, Penerapan model pembelajaran Model Competence- Task BasedLearning dan LA pada pembelajaran writing, Hasil belajar writing mahasiswayang belajar dengan penerapan model pembelajaran CTBL lebih tinggidibandingkan dengan mahasiswa yang belajar dengan pembelajaran modelekspository.
ABSTRACTMUBAROKAH, RAHMI. L. 2022. The Effect of Competence-task based learningModels and Learner Autonomy to Student Learning Outcomes in WritingCourses. Dissertation. Educational Technology Program, Post graduate Program,State University of Surabaya. Advisors : (I) Prof. Dr. Yatim Riyanto, M.Pd., and(II) Dr. Andi Mariono, M.PdKeywords: Model Task-Based Learning (TBL), Competence-Based Learning (CBL),Learner Autonomy (LA), Learning OutcomesThe Covid-19 pandemic situation which is currently endemic has forced theeducation sector to carry out online learning. This raises various problems in theeducation system in Indonesia, one of which is a passive learning system orteacher center, namely the learning system that occurs in the classroom is stilldominated by lecturers. Lecturers provide material that is one-way without beingsupported by creativity and innovation from students. While this condition iscertainly contrary to the National Standards for Higher Education, the learningprocess in the Merdeka Campus is one of the very essential manifestations ofstudent centered learning. Through an independent learning program that is welldesigned and implemented, students' hard and soft skills will be formed strongly.Therefore, it is necessary to apply the Competence-Task Based Learning (CTBL),and Learner Autonomy (LA) models which can later improve student learningoutcomes. A student can be said to have better learning outcomes than before.This study aims to determine the application of Task-Based Learning (TBL),Competence-Based Learning (CBL) and Learner Autonomy (LA) models whichcan later improve student learning outcomes in writing courses at the Universityof Islamic Majapahit.In this study, the researchers used a Quasi Experimental Design (Pseudo-Experimental) research method. In this design, the two experimental groups andthe control group were compared, even though the group was selected and placedwithout going through randomization, because the class to be used for theexperiment had been previously formed.The results showed that the application of the Competence-Task BasedLearning models could improve students' writing learning outcomes, theapplication of the CTBL learning models could increase LA in writing learning,The writing learning outcomes of students who studied with the application of theCTBL learning models were higher than those of children who studied withconventional learning.