Gresik is known as an industrial area with 408
large and medium industries based on data of BPS in 2018. One of the
determinant economic progress is the transportation system with equipped
facilities and infrastructure such as roads. Bunder Legundi National Road had a
lot of intersection, one of them is the Boboh t-junction in Menganti district
with a strategic location that makes communities build shops. Congestion still
occurs even though the road has been widening, especially during depart and
after work hours. This study aimed to determine the magnitude of traffic flow,
capacity and saturation degree value of the Boboh road section.
The type of this study is survey research with a
cross-sectional design. Data collected by observation, documentation and
interviews with sample determination based on the Accidental Sampling method.
Total counting refers to the number of vehicles that passed at the moment with
90 vehicles sample during the Ordinary Destination survey by 30 vehicles of
each junction and 10 vehicles of each category. Data analysis technique that
used is a specified formula in the Indonesia Road Capacity manual guide.
The study showed that at the Boboh
t-junction, Menganti district, Gresik regency there was an increase of traffic
flow on saturday at 15.00-18.00 PM with top hours at 16.00-17.00 PM. The value
of traffic flows is 3739,4 passenger car units / hour and the road capacity is
2043.5 passenger car units / hour. Saturation degree value acquired is 1,8 it
indicates the road capacity is not comparable to the traffic flow, indicates
that the congestion rate is very high.
Keywords: . traffic flow, road capacity, saturation degree