In learning languages,
especially Japanese , students must be able to master four skills
in language, such as learning to write kana letters, reading, memorizing vocabulary,
composing sentence, and making conversation. But in class X SMAN 1 Taman have
obstacles when learning Japanese, one of which is difficult in learning
vocabulary. So as to overcome this difficulty one learning model is used.
The learning model applied
to help master Japanese vocabulary is the TPS learning model. This TPS learning
model is a learning model that uses class discussion patterns that aim to
provide opportunities for students to discover new information to the fullest
extent. And also use the game what's missing, where the addition of the game so
that the classroom atmosphere is more pleasant and students are not bored. This
game is a picture game that is used to practice a
person's memory.
The purpose of this study was to determine the use of the TPS
learning model through what is missing games effectively to improve students'
vocabulary mastery, then to find out the activeness of students when given
material with the TPS model through what games missing, and finally to find out
how students responded after being given the TPS model through what's the
missing game when learning vocabulary.
This research method is an experimental method
with a quantitative approach. Data were collected using test instruments,
questionnaires, and observations. The test instrument was used to determine the
effectiveness of the TPS learning model, while the observation instrument was
used to find out the results of student activity during class, and the
questionnaire instrument was distributed in class X IPS 3 to find out how
students responded when given the TPS model through what's missing games.
The results showed that
there was a difference between the pre-test and post-test scores in the
experimental and control classes, which was 15,915> 1,695 and the results of
the questionnaire were 81.25% with strong criteria. so that it can be concluded
that the TPS learning model is effective in increasing vocabulary mastery. The
results of the observation analysis of the experimental class is 82.81% which
has very strong criteria so that the experimental class is more active when
learning takes place.
Keywords : TPS Models Learning, What’s missing, Noun