Ekspresi Narasi Cerpen Tiga Paragraf: Kajian Arkeonaratologi
Three Paragraph Short Story Narrative Expressions: Archaeonaratological Studies
Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menemukan dan mendeskripsikan (1) ketakajekan narasi cerpen tiga paragraf yang diterbitkan oleh komunitas Kampung Pentigraf Indonesia (KPI), (2) ideologi yang terkandung dalam narasi kitab pentigraf yang diterbitkan oleh komunitas KPI, (3) bentuk wacana kitab pentigraf yang diterbitkan oleh komunitas KPI. Teori yang digunakan adalah teori arkeonaratologi. Arkeonaratologi diambil dari penggabungan teori arkeologi pengetahuan dengan naratologi. Metode yang digunakan postkualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini berupa 10 Kitab Pentigraf yang diterbitkan oleh komunitas KPI. Data penelitian berupa karya pentigrafis yang terseleksi berdasarkan kriteria yang ditentukan oleh peneliti. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara studi dokumen dan wawancara. Teknik analisis data yaitu; (1) mengidentifikasi ketakajekan narasi pentigraf dengan cara membandingkan antara jumlah pengirim dan jumlah karya pentigraf; (2) mengidentifikasi latar belakang pentigrafis yang lolos kurasi berdasarkan aspek (a) wilayah, (b) gender, (c) profesi; (3) mengidentifikasi ideologi narasi pentigraf dengan cara menganalisis (a) pesan, (b) tokoh, (c) latar, dan (d) alur; (4) mengidentifikasi bentuk wacana pentigraf dengan memperhatikan struktur lahir dan batin pentigraf. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan (1) ketakajekan narasi cerpen tiga paragraf merepresentasikan dinamika narasi cerpen tiga paragraf, (2) ideologi narasi cerpen tiga paragraf merefleksikan struktur lahir dan struktur batin cerpen tiga paragraf, dan (3) bentuk wacana cerpen tiga paragraf merupakan variasi dari bentuk penulisan prosa fiksi khususnya fiksimini.
The aim of this research is to identify and describe (1) the inaccuracy of the three-paragraph short story narrative published by the Kampung Pentigraf Indonesia (KPI) community, (2) the ideology contained in the narrative of the pentigraph book published by the KPI community, (3) the form of discourse of the pentigraph book published by the KPI community. The analysis draws upon the archaeonaratology theory. Archaeonarratology results from merging the archaeology of knowledge theory with narratology. This study employs a phenomenological approach, using qualitative methods. The research draws data from ten Pentigraph Books published by the KPI community, which are pentigraphic works chosen based on predetermined criteria. Data collection techniques include document analysis and interviews. Data analysis techniques involve two primary approaches; the first is identifying inaccuracies within the pentigraphic narrative by comparing the number of senders with the number of pentigraphic works. The second approach is focused on identifying the background of pentigraphers who managed to pass the curation process, by examining factors such as their region, gender and profession. Technical terms such as 'pentigraphic narrative' and 'curation process' will be explained when first introduced. Additionally, this analysis adheres to conventional academic structure and utilises a clear, formal language style. (3) The ideology of pentigraphic narrative can be identified by analysing the message, character, setting, and plot. (4) The form of pentigraphic discourse can be identified by paying attention to the inner and outer structure of the pentigraph. The study results reveal that (1) the neutrality of the three-paragraph short story narrative reflects its dynamics, (2) the ideology of the three-paragraph short story narrative also illustrates its dynamics, and (3) the three-paragraph short story discourse form is a spin-off of fictional prose writing, particularly minifiction.