Implementation of Virtual Classes in Study of social study at Student of Class VI in Primary School Trosobo 2, Taman Kabupaten Sidoarjo Subdistrict.
Linawati. 2021. Implementasi Kelas Virtual Pada Mata Pelajaran IPS Kelas VI di SDN Trosobo 2 Kecamatan Taman Kabupaten Sidoarjo. Tesis, Program Studi Pendidikan Dasar, Pascasarjana, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Pembimbing (1) Prof. Dr. Mustaji, M.Pd dan (2) Dr. Waspodo Tjipto Subroto, M.Pd.
Kata - kata Kunci : Kelas Virtual, Proses belajar Mengajar, Pembelajaran IPS
Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan implementasi kelas virtual terhadap proses belajar mengajar IPS pada siswa kelas 6 Sekolah Dasar. Pembelajaran pada kelas virtual (daring) sangatlah berbeda dengan pembelajaran dalam kelas dimana proses belajar mengajar dalam kelas (inclass) dilaksanakan secara tatap muka dan eksistensi interaksi komunikasi secara langsung antara guru dengan siswa. Proses belajar mengajar pada kelas virtual membatasi eksistensi interaksi komunikasi secara langsung antara guru dengan siswa. Instruksi pembelajaran yang diberikan oleh guru dengan bantuan media dan melalui aplikasi yang mudah diakses baik oleh guru dan siswa.
Jenis penelitian ini adalah deksriptif kuantitatif. Populasi penelitian adalah siswa kelas VI SDN Trosobo 2 Taman Sidoarjo sebanyak 33 siswa. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan instrument observasi, angket dan metode wawancara serta metode tes latihan soal pada materi pembelajaran IPS kelas VI SD tema 6,7,8 dan 9.
Implementasi kelas virtual terhadap proses belajar mengajar IPS pada siswa kelas 6 SDN Trosobo 2 Kec. Taman Kabupaten Sidoarjo sudah terlaksana dengan baik. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari perencanaan proses pembelajaran yang dilakukan oleh guru secara sistematis dan terukur. Factor guru, siswa dan orang tua menjadi faktor pendukung terlaksananya proses pembelajaran kelas virtual, dan ketersediaan infrastruktur jaringan dan sarana penunjangnya menjadi factor penghambat utama.
Guru diharapkan data mengembangkan kemampuan dan kreativitasnya dalam menerapkan proses pembelajaran virtual diantaranya kemampuan dalam menggunakan media pembelajaran secara digital, penggunaan media social serta kreativitas dalam penerapan model dan metode pembelajaran yang tepat saat melaksanakan proses pembelajaran kelas virtual.
Linawati. 2021. Implementation of Virtual Classes in Study of social study at Student of Class VI in Primary School Trosobo 2, Taman Kabupaten Sidoarjo Subdistrict. Tesis, Basic Education Study Program, Postgraduate, Surabaya State University, Mentor (1) Prof. Dr. Mustaji, M.Pd and (2) Dr. Waspodo Tjipto Subroto, M.Pd.
Keywords: Virtual Classroom, Teaching and Learning Process, Social Study Learning
The purpose of the study is to describe the implementation of virtual classes to the teaching and learning process of social study in grade 6 elementary school students. Learning in virtual classes (online) is very different from learning in a classroom where the teaching and learning process in the classroom is carried out face-to-face and the existence of direct communication interaction between teachers and students. The teaching and learning process in virtual classrooms limits the existence of direct communication interactions between teachers and students. Learning instruction provided by teachers with the help of media and through an easily accessible application by both teachers and students.
This type of research is descriptive quantitative. The research population is grade VI students of primary school Trosobo 2 Taman Sidoarjo as many as 33 students. The data was collected using observation instruments, questionnaires and interview methods as well as test methods of practice questions in social study learning materials grade VI primary school theme 6, 7, 8 and 9.
The implementation of virtual classes on the learning process of teaching and social sciences in grade 6 students of primary school Trosobo 2 Kec. Taman Kabupaten Sidoarjo has been carried out well. This can be seen from the planning of the learning process conducted by teachers systematically and measurably. Factors of teachers, students and parents become supporting factors for the implementation of the virtual classroom learning process, and the availability of network infrastructure and supporting facilities become the main inhibitory factors.
Teachers are expected to develop their skills and creativity in implementing virtual learning processes including the ability to use digital learning media, the use of social media and creativity in the application of the right learning models and methods when carrying out the virtual class learning process.