Yanti, Aning Wida,
202 1 . Profile R easoning A daptive Student of Mathematics Education in Solving P roblem
Mathematics in Field Dependent (FD) and Field Independent (FI) Cognitive Styles . Dissertation . Mathematics
Education Study Program . Postgraduate
Program Surabaya State University. Promotor: Prof. Drs. I Ketut Budayasa,
Ph.D., and Co-Promoter: Dr.
Raden Sulaiman , M.Si.
Keywords: Reasoning
Adaptive, Solving Problem Mathematics, Cognitive Style Field Dependent ,
Cognitive Style Independent Field
Adaptive reasoning is a skill
mathematical must master student to support his success in studying math . Reasoning adaptive
is a logical thought process about the relationship between situations
with concepts related to the solving problem because adaptive reasoning plays a role when determining legitimacy
from strategy in solving a problem. Every individual has different ways to face
problem s because of style his cogniti on. Cognitive style Field Independent ( FI ) and Field Dependent ( FD ) reflect method analysis somebody
interacts with the environment. The aim is to describe profile reasoning adaptive students of mathematics education in problem -solving mathematics in terms of cognitive style FI and FD .
Study this is
study descriptive explorative with approach qualitative. The subject study was
chosen from college student Mathematics Education Study Program, UIN Sunan
Ampel Surabaya by gender and
math skills controlled same then subject given test
GEFT (Group Embedded Figures Test )
to group styles cognitive FD nor style cognitive FI . Then subject work Test Reasoning Adaptive (TPA) and done
interview landfill based. The validity of the data using triangulation time. Data analysis through data categorization , data reduction , presentation, interpretation, and conclusion drawing.
Similarity profile FD and FI subject adaptive reasoning in solving mathematical problems at
the stage understand the problem only found inactivity in mention
things that are known and explain the reason ; explain
the reasons for mentioning the questions asked ; determine the adequacy between things that are known and things that
asked . The subject of FD and FI ultimately writes the known information , and the second subject explains the logical
Differences in the profile of adaptive reasoning of FD and FI subjects in
solving mathematical problems at the
stage understand the
problem found: determining
the relationship between concepts and things that are known and explain the reason ; mention the things that a sked; determine
the relationship between concepts and the questions asked and explain the reason ; determine the relationship between things
that are known and things that are asked and explain the reason . S subject FD tends to think globally and explain logical and practical reasons, whereas FI subject tend s to analytically think t is in connecting concepts and situations and explaining
logical and theoretical reasons.
Difference FD and FI subject adaptive
reasoning profiles in solving mathematical problems at the stage planning
a solution found inactivity in developing a plan in making a model by linking the situation
with the concept ; associating
the situation with the situation ; relating the concept to the concept and explain the reasoning ; develop a
plan in completing the model by linking the concept to the concept and explaining the reasons . S subject FD tends
to think globally , lacks detail ,
is incomplete,
and explains
logical , incomplete ,
reasons ; while
the subject of FI by
analytical ,
detailed ,
complete in relating
situations with
concepts and explain
logical reasons , detail
and complete .
Differences in the profile of adaptive reasoning of FD and FI subjects in
solving mathematical problems at the
stage carry out the
settlement plan found: applying
the plans that making the model by using the relationship of the situation to
the concept ; situation by situation ; concept by concept and explain the reasons ; apply the plans that made in completing the
model by using the relationship between concepts and concepts ; perform the computations and explain
why . The
subject of FD is less accurate ,
less accurate ,
analytical , less consistent because it completes the model using the
relationship of concepts with concepts that are different from what plane,
makes mistakes in computing , and explains logical ,
incomplete ,
technical reasons. In contrast, the FI subject carefully,
systematically, analytically , consistently
follows the steps as planned, does more
accurate calculations , and provides logical and
reasons .
Difference FD and FI subject adaptive
reasoning profiles in solving mathematical problems at the stage recheck
the solution found inactivity in checking the validity of the relationships made in making
conclusions , and explain why . FD subject
performs substitution and re-examines each step of solving the
problem and the results of calculations by recalculating the arithmetic
operations performed and explaining logical reasons. In contrast, the FI
re-examines the solution found by substituting and re-examining each step of the problem solving carefully and
carefully by examining the calculations performed using the arithmetic operations and
related situations and concepts that have been used and
explained logical reason.