Kajian Literatur Pembelajaran Multirepresentasi pada Materi Fisika Tingkat SMA
Literature Review of Multi-Representation Learning in Physics Materials on Senior High School
Kemampuan multirepresentasi merupakan kemampuan untuk mengolah suatu konsep dalam bentuk representasi lain baik secara verbal, diagram, gambar, ataupun matematis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui model pembelajaran dan instrumen yang dikembangkan dalam penelitian multirepresentasi, penggunaan materi yang diterapkan dalam penelitian multirepresentasi, dan keefektifan pembelajaran multirepresentasi. Metode yang digunakan yaitu metode study literature dengan analisis bibliometrik untuk jurnal atau artikel ilmiah yang telah dipublikasikan dan terindeks Scopus maupun Google Scholar. Data yang diperoleh melalui software Publish or Perish sebanyak 20 jurnal dalam bentuk metadata kemudian melengkapi identitas jurnal menggunakan software Mendeley. Hasil metadata diseleksi dan dianalisis menggunakan software Vosviewer sehingga diperoleh peta visualisasi yang menunjukkan hubungan antara item hasil seleksi. Dari hasil analisis diketahui bahwa dalam pembelajaran multirepresentasi model pembelajaran yang sering diterapkan adalah conseptual problem solving, inkuiri terbimbing, GIMuR, konseptual interaktif, PBM, dan pembelajaran multirepresentasi. Jenis instrumen penilaian yang digunakan antara lain tes esai, pilihan ganda, Four Tier multiple choice test, UTS, dan lembar kerja multirepresentasi. Materi pembelajaran yang sering diterapkan adalah materi hukum newton, hukum gravitasi newton, gerak lurus, kemagnetan, dan usaha energi. Pembelajaran multirepresentasi mampu memfasilitasi siswa dengan kemampuan yang berbeda dan efektif untuk meningkatkan pemahaman konsep.
Kata kunci: Multirepresentasi, pembelajaran, fisika
Multi-representation ability is the ability to process a concept in other representations either verbally, diagrams, pictures, or mathematically. This study aims to determine the learning models and instruments developed in multi-representation research, the use of materials applied in multi-representation research, and the effectiveness of multi-representation learning. The method used is the literature study method with bibliometric analysis for journals or scientific articles that have been carried out and indexed by Scopus and Google Scholar. The data obtained through the software Publish or Perish as many as 20 journals in the form of metadata then complete the journal identity using Mendeley software. The metadata results were selected and analyzed using Vosviewer software to obtain a visualization map showing the relationship between the results. From the results of the analysis, it is known that the multi-representational learning models that are often applied are conceptual problem solving, guided inquiry, GIMuR, interactive conceptual, Problem Based Learning, and multi-representation learning. The types of assessment instruments used include essay tests, multiple-choice, Four Tier multiple-choice tests, mid-semester exams, and multi- representation worksheets. The materials that are often applied are newton's law, gravity newton law, straight motion, magnetism, work and energy. Multi-representation can facilitate students with different abilities and effectively improve student concepts understanding, critical thinking skills, and problem-solving.
Keywords: Multi-representation, learning, physics