Pengembangan Buku Saku Digital Sanitasi Higiene Berbasis Heyzine di Home Industry Pengolahan Croissant
Development of a Heyzine-Based Digital Sanitation Hygiene Pocket Book in the Croissant Processing Home Industry
Ketidaktahuan penjamah merupakan sebuah penyebab terjadinya penularan penyakit maka perlu dilakukan dengan memberikan informasi melalui pengembangan buku saku digital tentang higiene sanitasi makanan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) hasil pengembangan buku saku digital sanitasi higiene berbasis heyzine di home industry pengolahan croissant, (2) kelayakan materi buku saku digital sanitasi higiene berbasis heyzine di home industry pengolahan croissant, (3) kelayakan media pada buku saku digital sanitasi higiene berbasis heyzine di home industry pengolahan croissant, dan (4) respon karyawan atau pengguna buku saku digital sanitasi higiene berbasis heyzine di home industry pengolahan croissant. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan pengembangan R&D dengan model 4D menurut Thiagarajan. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan angket dengan subjek penelitian yaitu terdiri dari 4 validator serta 26 karyawan home industry. Teknik analisis menggunakan teknik deskriptif kuantitatif. Penelitian ini menunjukan: 1) buku saku digital berbentuk heyzine dapat diakses menggunakan tautan; 2) kelayakan materi memperoleh nilai 77% kategori layak; 3) kelayakan media memperoleh rerata 78% kategori layak; 3) Penilaian respon karyawan/pengguna terhadap buku saku digital sanitasi higiene meperoleh nilai 82% interpretasi sangat baik.
Ignorance of the handler is a cause of disease transmission, so it needs to be done by providing information through the development of a digital pocket book about food hygiene and sanitation. This study aims to find out: (1) the results of the development of a heyzine-based hygiene sanitary digital pocket book in the croissant processing home industry, (2) the feasibility of heyzine-based hygiene sanitary digital pocket book material in the croissant processing home industry, (3) the feasibility of media in the heyzine-based hygiene hygiene digital pocket book in the home industry of croissant processing, and (4) the response of employees or users of Heyzine-based hygiene sanitary digital pocket book in the home industry of croissant processing. This study uses R&D development with a 4D model according to Thiagarajan. The data collection technique used a questionnaire with research subjects consisting of 4 validators and 26 home industry employees. The analysis technique uses quantitative descriptive techniques. This study shows: 1) digital pocketbooks in the form of heyzine can be accessed using link; 2) the feasibility of the material obtained a score of 77% of the feasible category; 3) the feasibility of the media obtained an average of 78% of the feasible category; 3) Assessment of employees/users' responses to the hygiene sanitation digital pocket book obtained a score of 82% very good interpretation.