Innovation in Teacher Selection
Management Information System Program and Outstanding and Dedicated Education
Personnel (SIMGEPREK) in Blitar City Education Office
Name :
Nungky Anggeliya
Study Program : Bachelor of State Adminitration Science
Department : Public Adminitration
Faculty : Social and Legal Sciences
Institution : Surabaya State
Advisor :
Eva Hany Fanida, S.AP., M.AP.
The SIMGEPREK program innovation is an innovation in the
Blitar City Education Office which aims to address the previous problems in the
selection and achievement of dedicated teachers and education personnel (GTK)
every year in Blitar City. Through the application, it can increase transparency,
accountability, effectiveness and efficiency in the implementation of the
achievement and dedicated GTK selection at the Blitar City level.
This study uses a qualitative descriptive research method.
This method aims to obtain an overview to understand and explain the SIMGEPREK
program innovations. The focus of this research is Seven Contructs from the
IMMF (Innovation Management Measurement Framework) which consists of input,
Knowledge Management, Innovation Strategy, Organization and Culture, Portfolio
Management, Project Management and Commercialization. Data analysis techniques
are carried out through four stages, namely data reduction, data display, data
verification and conclusions.
The results showed that the SIMGEPREK program innovation was
a good decision in improving the achievement of GTK selection services and
dedicated in Blitar City Education Office. Judging from the process of the
emergence of innovation the program is in accordance with the indicators in
Seven Contructs from the IMMF (Innovation Management Measurement Framework).
This has been supported by the statements of the parties related to the
SIMGEPREK program innovation. The input indicators needed are simple and maximizing
existing ones. Knowledge Management indicators obtained are derived from
problems and experiences held by the Education Office. Innovation strategy
indicators in the program are in accordance with the Education Office's vision
and mission. Organizational and culture indicators are formed according to the
echelon level and the existing culture is applied. Portfolio management
indicators come from a number of related parties. Project management indicators
come from the POAC management process. Commercialization indicator by giving
attractive prizes.
Based on the results of these studies, the Blitar City
Education Agency is expected to be able to improve the SIMGEPREK program
innovation. This can be done through collaboration with the Ministry of Education
and Culture to obtain data through the Dapodikdasmen application without
portfolio scans. In addition, the Blitar City Education Office can also create
a database with a percentage increase in the number of participants each year
to see the success of the program and create monitoring instruments to prevent
problems in the implementation of the program.
Keywords : Innovation, Program, SIMGEPREK