Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Model Problem Based Learning untuk Melatih Higher Order Thinking Skill Peserta Didik SD
Developing Learning Devices for Problem Based Learning Model to Train the High Order Thinking Skills of Elementary School Students
Kartikasari, Hikmah Luqiyah. 2023. Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Model Problem Based Learning untuk Melatih Higher Order Thinking Skill Peserta Didik SD. Tesis, Program Studi Pendidikan Dasar, Pascasarjana, Universitas Negeri Surabaya. Pembimbing: (1) Prof. Dr. Suryanti, M.Pd. dan (2) Dr. Elok Sudibyo, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Kata Kunci: Pembelajaran Model Problem Based Learning (PBL), Higher Order Thinking Skill (HOTS).
Penelitian ini adalah penelitian pengembangan yang bertujuan untuk melatihkan Higher Order Thingking Skill melalui pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran model Problem Based Learning yang layak digunakan. Penelitian dilakukan pada semester genap tahun ajaran 2022/2023, subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah perangkat pembelajaran yang diujikan pada 25 peserta didik kelas V MI Tarbiyatus Syarifah. Model pengembangan perangkat yang digunakan adalah model pengembangan 4-D dengan menggunakan rancangan uji coba One Group Pretest Posttest Design.
Hasil penelitian meliputi: 1) validitas perangkat pembelajaran dengan hasil validasi terdiri atas RPP sebesar 4 berkategori sangat valid, BAPD sebesar 34 berkategori sangat valid, LKPD sebesar 4 berkategori sangat valid, LEPD sebesar 4 berkategori sangat valid; 2) kepraktisan perangkat pembelajaran terdiri atas keterlaksanaan pembelajaran sebesar 100% berkategori sangat baik; 3) keefektifan perangkat pembelajaran kemampuan HOTS ditunjukkan dengan bukti ketuntasan individu peserta didik pada saat pretest sebesar 0% sedangkan saat posttest 100% tuntas, hasil perhitungan N-Gain diperoleh rata-rata 0,73 berkategori tinggi, N-Gain tiap indikator HOTS yang terdiri atas Gain rata-rata Analisis sebesar 0,85 dengan kategori tinggi, N-Gain rata-rata Menelaah sebesar 0,59 dengan kategori sedang, dan N-Gain rata-rata Mendesain sebesar 0,87 dengan kategori tinggi, uji t sebesar 16,789 dengan nilai signifikasi 0.000 sehingga dapat diambil keputusan menolak H0 dan H1 diterima. Dari hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan kemampuan HOTS yang signifikan setelah penerapan pembelajaran model PBL pada peserta didik.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa perangkat pembelajaran model PBL untuk melatihkan HOTS layak digunakan.
Kartikasari, Hikmah Luqiyah. 2023. Developing of the Learning Devices to Train the High Order Thinking Skills of Elementary School Students. Thesis, The Base Education Programme, The Post Graduate Programme of University State of Surabaya. Advisors: (1) Prof. Dr. Suryanti, M.Pd. dan (2) Dr. Elok Sudibyo, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Key Word: Problem Based Learning Model (PBL), Higher Order Thinking Skill (HOTS).
This research is a developmental research that aims to train Higher Order Thinking Skills through the development of learning device using Problem Based Learning model that are appropriate for use. The study was carried out during the even semester of the 2022/2023 academic year. This study focused on a learning device that was tested on 25 fifth-grade students from MI Tarbiyatus Syarifah. The lesson plan development model used is a 4-D development model using the One Group Pretest Posttest Design trial design.
The results of the study included: 1) the validity of the learning devices with the lesson plan validation results reached 4 in the very valid category, 34 BAPD in the very valid category, 4 LKPD in the very valid category, 4 LEPD in the very valid category; 2) the practicality of the learning device consists of learning implementation of 100% in the very good category; 3) the effectiveness of the HOTS ability learning device is shown by evidence of individual student completeness at the time of the pretest of 0% while at the posttest it is 100% complete, the results of the N-Gain calculation obtained an average of 0.73 in the high category, the N-Gain for each HOTS indicator consisting above the average Gain of Analysis is 0.85 in the high category, the average N-Gain in Examining is 0.59 in the medium category, and the average N-Gain in Designing is 0.87 in the high category, the t test is 16.789 with a significance value of 0.000 so that a decision can be made to reject H0 and accept H1. The finding indicates that there are significant differences in HOTS abilities following the application of the PBL learning model to students.
Based on the result of the study, it can be concluded that the PBL model learning tool for practicing HOTS is feasible to use.