Mojokerto City Police Satlantas created the latest innovation namely Samsat SIM
Outlet Kertajaya Mojokerto Plus Terminal which is a service innovation provided
by the Police in collaboration with several parties such as Samsat, BAPPEDA,
Jasa Raharja, Dishub, East Java Province. Services provided in the terminal are
in the form of extension services for SIM, extension of STNK 5 years, payment
of motor vehicle tax, and route permits, where the innovation of the Samsat SIM
Outlet is located in Kertajaya Terminal Mojokerto. The aim of the researchers
was to find out the excellent service in arranging SIM extension and motor
vehicle tax payments and to describe in depth and analyze the excellent service
at the Samsat SIM Outlet Kertajaya Mojokerto Plus Terminal (Case Study of SIM
Extension and Motor Vehicle Tax Payment).
The type of research used is
descriptive research with a qualitative approach. The focus of this study
consists of three aspects including attitude (attitude), attention (attention),
action (action). Data collection techniques are interview techniques,
observation, literature studies and documentation analyzed using data analysis
techniques according to Bogyan (in Sugiyono), including data reduction, data
presentation, decision making.
The results of this study indicate that excellent service at Samsat SIM Outlets in Kertajaya Mojokerto Plus Terminal (SIM Case Study and Motor Vehicle Tax Payment) has been carried out, but in fact the attitude and aspects of action can be said to be quite good, will but there are still flaws in its application. The aspect of attention in its application has been done well by paying attention to the community in the form of responsibility and solutions whether there are obstacles to service, and attention to facilities that make the community comfortable when carrying out the service process. SIM display services are still not online, resulting in the District Region community not being able to participate and the lack of socialization carried out so that many people do not know about the service at SIM Samsat Outlets, Kertajaya Plus Terminal, Mojokerto. Based on research conducted by researchers in the field, overall excellent service at Samsat SIM Outlets Kertajaya Mojokerto Plus Terminal (Case Study of SIM Extension and Motor Vehicle Tax Payment) is still not running well, where there are still people who do not know the service at Samsat SIM SIM Terminal Plus Kertajaya Mojokerto, so the advice given related to socialization is done in an interesting way such as holding routine counseling to the community, making billboards or banners in public places. Re-increase in terms of carrying out an update on the sign of entering into the Samsat SIM Outlet Kertajaya Plus Mojokerto Terminal so that the general public knows about the innovation.
Keywords: Excellent Service, SIM Samsat Outlet, Kertajaya Plus Terminal, Mojokerto