of the causes of the low student learning outcomes is the lack of varability of
the learning model carried out by the teaching staff, so that the boredom that
students feel toward the learning process. For this reason, a more varied
learning model is needed to encourage students to be interested in what is
delivered by the teaching staff. Cooperative learning is a learning approach
through the use of small groups of students to work together in maximizing
learning conditions in achieving learning goals. Cooperative learning is based
on ideas or thoughts that students work together in learning, and are
responsible for their group learning activities such as themselves itself. The
model raised in this research is thelearning model Think Pair Share which is expected to be able to improve learning
outcomes and collaboration skills among students.
type of research is Classroom Action
Research conducted to improve and improve the quality of the learning
process in the classroom. This research was conducted with a cycle model from
Kemming and Taggart that used two cycles in which each cycle consisted of four
stages, namely: Stage of Action Planning, Action Implementation Stage, Action
Observation Stage, and Reflection Stage. Assessment instruments use student
observation sheet validation and learning outcomes tests. Data analysis Using
descriptive quantitative.
The results of the learning device validation used
in the research include RPP, Syllabus and Question Items can be categorized as appropriate to use . The results showed
that thelearning model Think-Pair-Share
could improve student learning outcomes with classical completeness by 54% in
the first cycle, and 82.85% in the second cycle so that it entered thecategory good , while the percentage of students'
collaboration ability was 52.92% in the cycle I, and 76.42% in Cycle II and can
be categorized as good Therefore, it
can be concluded that thelearning model is Think-Pair-Share
proven to improve student learning outcomes and collaboration skills especially
in class X TKRO 1 which amounts to 35 students in SMK 1 Singgahan, Tuban
Keywords: Learning Model,cooperative
learning, Learning Think Pair Share , Outcomes, Collaborative Ability.