Pengembangan Buku Suplemen Pembelajaran Menggambar Bentuk Di Sma Dengan Penerapan Garis Drawing Chairul Sabarudin
Development of Supplementary Learning Drawing Books Form in High School With the Application of Drawing Line Chairul Sabarudin
Arista, Rizki Citra. 2019. Pengembangan Buku Suplemen Pembelajaran Menggambar Bentuk Di Sma Dengan Penerapan Garis Drawing Chairul Sabarudin. Program Studi Pendidikan Seni Budaya. Program Pascasarjana. Universitas Negeri Surabaya. Pembimbing I: (I) Dr. I Nyoman Lodra, M.Si dan (II) Dr. Warih Handayaningrum, M.Pd
Kata Kunci : Teknik Drawing, Gambar Bentuk SMA, Chairul Sabarudin
Seniman mempunyai berbagai cara dan proses dalam berkarya seni. Tak terkecuali perupa yang masih intens dalam berkarya lukis. Kebanyakan para pelukis akan mempunyai masa dimana karya – karyanya menggunakan media pensil di atas kanvas atau menggunakan teknik coretan pensil hitam putih juga pensil berwarna. Dari penjelasan tersebut, penulis akan mencoba membuat sebuah buku suplemen pembelajaran dengan menerapkan prosedur berkarya teknik garis drawing Chairul Sabarudin untuk membantu siswa dalam belajar seni rupa gambar bentuk di Sekolah Menengah Atas.
Berdasarkan rumusan masalah yang telah diuraikan, maka tujuan yang hendak dicapai dalam penelitian pengembangan ini adalah sebagai berikut, (1) Mendeskripsikan proses penereapan teknik drawing dalam Pengembangan Buku Suplemen Pembelajaran Menggambar Bentuk di SMA dengan Penerapan Garis Karya drawing Chairul Sabarudin. (2) Mendeskripsikan kualitas dalam Pengembangan Buku Suplemen Pembelajaran Menggambar Bentuk di SMA dengan Penerapan Garis Karya drawing Chairul Sabarudin. (3) Mendeskripsikan keefektifan Pengembangan Buku Suplemen Pembelajaran Menggambar Bentuk di SMA dengan Penerapan Garis Karya drawing Chairul Sabarudin berdasarkan produk pengguna.
Penulisan ini merupakan jenis penelitian pengembangan dalam bidang pendidikan, yaitu pengembangan buku pembelajaran gambar bentuk pada tingkat sekolah menengah atas. Buku hasil pengembangan kemudian diujicobakan dan hasil uji coba akan dianalisis secara deskriptif kualitatif untuk menjawab rumusan masalah pertama, dan analisis deskriptif kualitatif dan kuantitatif untuk menjawab rumusan masalah kedua dan ketiga. Deskriptif kuantitatif tersebut nantinya akan menjelaskan tentang nilai atau presentase data kualitas produk buku dan prosentase respon setelah penggunaan buku ajar.
Model penelitian pengembangan buku ajar dalam pelajaran gambar bentuk diadaptasi dari model pengembangan 4D yang dikembangkan oleh Thiagarajan dan Semmel. Tahap pengembangan 4D diantaranya melalui berbagai tahap yaitu, 1) tahap pendefinisian (define), 2) tahap perancangan (design), 3) tahap pengembangan (develop), dan 4) tahap penyebaran (disseminate).
Validasi tahap pertama memperoleh prosentase kelayakan materi sebesar 71,6%, kelayakan Bahasa memperoleh prosentase sebesar 80%, kelayakan kegrafikan memperoleh prosentase sebesar 63,5%, dan kelayakan penyajian memperoleh prosentase sebesar 89%. Jika semua aspek penilaian tersebut dirata-rata maka didapatkan prosentase sebesar 76,04% dan dapat dikategorikan cukup layak. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut maka buku suplemen masih harus diperbaiki dan dilakukan revisi draf I untuk memperoleh buku suplemen draf II dan menghasilkan prosentase kelayakan isi/materi sebesar 84,6%, kelayakan kegrafikan mendapatkan prosentase sebesar 97,6%, kelayakan kebahasaan mendapatkan prosentase sebesar 80%, dan kelayakan penyajian mendapatkan 89%. Tahap validasi draf II menghasilkan prosentase rata-rata 87,8% dan termasuk dalam kategori sangat layak.
Penelitian ini hanya melakukan deseminasi terbatas atau hanya disebar luaskan pada lingkup sekolah tempat uji produk saja yaitu SMAN I Kota Mojokerto.
Arista, Rizki Citra. 2019. Development of Supplementary Learning Drawing Books Form in High School With the Application of Drawing Line Chairul Sabarudin. Culture and Cultural Education Stusi Program. Graduate program. Surabaya State University. Advisor I: (I) Dr. I Nyoman Lodra, M.Sc and (II) Dr. Warih Handayaningrum, M.Pd
Keywords: Drawing Technique, High School Shape Drawing, Chairul Sabarudin
Artists have various ways and processes in creating art. No exception, artists who are still intense in painting. Most painters will have a period when their works use the medium of pencil on canvas or use black and white pencil and color pencil techniques. Especially as a sketch of notes and a sketch of a painting design, or even a work itself. Among black and white mediums, pencils are rarely displayed appearing in exhibitions of paintings.
Based on the formulation of the problems outlined above, the objectives to be achieved in this development research are as follows, (1) Describe the process of applying drawing techniques in the Development of Supplementary Drawing Learning Form Books in High Schools with the Application of Chairul Sabarudin drawing lines. (2) Describe the quality in the Development of Supplementary Drawing Learning Books in High School with the Application of Chairul Sabarudin's drawing lines. (3) Describe the effectiveness of the Development of Drawing Form Learning Supplement Books in High Schools with the Application of Chairul Sabarudin's Drawing Line based on user products.
This writing is a type of research development in the field of education, namely the development of picture learning books form at the high school level. The development book is then tested and the results of the trial will be analyzed descriptively qualitatively to answer the first problem formulation, and descriptive qualitative and quantitative analysis to answer the second and third problem formulation. The quantitative descriptive will explain the value or percentage of data on the quality of the book's product and the percentage of responses after the use of the textbook.
The textbook development research model in the form drawing lesson was adapted from the 4D development model developed by Thiagarajan and Semmel. The 4D development stage includes a variety of stages namely, 1) the defining stage, 2) the design phase, 3) the development stage, and 4) the disseminate stage.
At the design stage, researchers choose expert validators to assess the feasibility of supplement books based on certain aspects, namely related to the feasibility of the content / material, the feasibility of graphics, the linguistic feasibility, and the feasibility of presentation. Validation of the first stage obtained a percentage of material eligibility of 71.6%, the feasibility of language obtaining a percentage of 80%, the feasibility of obtaining a percentage of 63.5%, and the eligibility of the presentation obtained a percentage of 89%. If all aspects of the assessment are averaged, a percentage of 76.04% is obtained and can be categorized as quite feasible. Based on these results, the supplement book must still be improved and revised draft I to obtain supplement book draft II and produce a percentage of content / material eligibility of 84.6%, a feasibility of obtaining a percentage of 97.6%, the feasibility of obtaining a percentage of 80% , and the eligibility of the presentation gets 89%. The validation phase of the draft II produced an average percentage of 87.8% and was included in the very feasible category.
This study only carried out limited dissemination or was only disseminated to the scope of the product testing schools, namely SMAN I Mojokerto.