Nugroho, Dimas. 2018. Development of PPKn Learning Document Based on Predict,
Observe, Explain (POE) Models in Improving Critical Thinking Skills and
Understanding Concepts of Class V Students of Primary Schools. Thesis. Elementary E ducation.
Postgraduate. Surabaya State University. Advisors (1) Prof. Dr. Mustaji, M.Pd,
(2) Dr. Raden Roro Nanik Setyowati, M.Si.
Keywords: Predict,
Observe, Explain (POE) Models , Concept Understanding, Critical Thinking Skills.
learning process of fifth grade students at Negeri Lidah Kulon Elementary
School IV / 467 Surabaya shows that the learning process requires innovation,
especially learning tools to make it more interesting and can help students
understand material concepts and stimulate critical thinking skills. Based on
this, this research aims to determine and describe the results of the validity
of learning document, practicality of learning devices, and the effectiveness
of PPKn learning document based on Predict, Observe, Explain (POE) models in
improving critical thinking skills and concept understanding of elementary
school fifth grade students.
research is a study development using a 4-D development model and device trials
using pre-test and post-test. The study was conducted in the 2019/2020 school
year with 20 students as the research subjects, and the data collection
techniques used were tests, observations, and questionnaires. Pre-test and
post-test data critical thinking skills and conceptual understanding were
analyzed using T-test and describe in descriptive quantitative.
The results of this study indicate
that the PPKn learning model based on POE models has a very valid category with
an average value above 3.6, while the actuality of the learning document can be
considered good, and the effectiveness of the learning device is seen from the
completeness of the concept understanding test and critical thinking skills
that are carried out before learning with an average of 45% of students who
completed it and after participating in learning up to 100% of students who
completed it resulted with a value of ≥75. In essence , the application of the
POE learning model can help students to understand learning concepts and help
stimulate students' critical thinking skills.