Latar belakang berdasarkan hasil observasi di SMK Krian 1 Sidoarjo yang menunjukkan bahwa pembelajaran pada pelajaran instalasi motor listrik hanya menggunakan modul yang sifatnya masih dasar atau global. Disebabkan tidak adanya modul praktikum trainer lift berbasis PLC. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk: (1) mengetahui perancangan dan pembuatan modul praktikum trainer lift Berbasis PLC, (2) mengetahui kelayakan modul praktikum trainer lift berbasis PLC pada mata pelajaran instalasi motor listrik.
Metode penelitian ini adalah eksperimen yang terdiri atas 3 langkah yaitu : 1) tahap persiapan, 2) tahap pelaksanaan dan 3) tahap akhir. Subjek penelitian ini adalah peserta didik kelas XII TITL SMK Krian 1 Sidoarjo. Desain penelitian ini adalah one group pretest-post test design. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tahapan dalam perancangan dan pembuatan modul praktikum Trainer Lift berbasis PLC terdapat 7 tahapan antara lain : 1) menetapkan dan merumuskan tujuan, 2) menyusun butir soal evaluasi, 3) mengidentifikasi pokok materi, 4) menyusun pokok materi, 5) menyusun langkah kegiatan belajar, 6) memeriksa langkah kegiatan belajar, 7) mengidentifikasi alat yang digunakan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kelayakan modul praktikum Trainer Lift berbasis PLC ditinjau dari aspek validitas dinyatakan sangat valid dengan hasil rerata 92,36. Aspek kepraktisan yang ditinjau dari respon peserta didik dinyatakan sangat praktis dengan hasil rerata 87,91. Aspek keefektifan yang ditinjau dari hasil belajar mendapatkan nilai thitung= 11,088 > ttabel = 3,591 dengan taraf signifikansi 0,05. Selanjutnya keefektifan yang ditinjau dari aktivitas peserta didik mendapatkan nilai thitung= 36,373 > ttabel = 1,690 dengan df 35.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa bahan ajar modul praktikum Trainer Lift berbasis PLC layak digunakan.
Kata Kunci : modul, trainer lift, PLC, instalasi motor listrik, hasil belajar peserta didik
This research is based on the observation result in SMK Krian 1 Sidoarjo which shows that learning of electrical motor installation lesson only use common or global modules. It was because there was no PLC-based practical trainer lift module. With the creation of a PLC-based practical trainer lift module is expected to provide a solution improve student learning outcomes. This research aims are 1) determine the planning and drafting step and 2). Knowing the eligibility of PLC-based practical trainer lift module based on the subject of electrical motor installation.
This research method is experimental research which consist of 3 steps: 1) preparation stage, 2) implementation stage and 3) final stage. The subject of this study is the students of Class XII, SMK Krian 1 Sidoarjo. In this research the trial design used is one group pretest-post test design. The results showed that the stages in the design and manufacture of the PLC-based practical trainer lift module are 7 stages, there are: 1) establishing and formulating general instructional objectives into special instructional objectives, 2) arangeing the evaluation to measure students achievement, 3) identify the subject matter in accordance with the objectives, 4) develop the subject matter, 5) arrange the steps of the learning activity, 6) examine the steps of learning activities according to the objectives of learning, 7) identify the tools that used in the learning activities.The results showed that the feasibility level of a PLC-based laboratory trainer lift’s module is reviewed from the validity aspect stated to be very valid with the average result of all aspects of 92.36. The practicality aspect reviewed from the student's response is very practical with the average result of 87.91. Then effectiveness that are reviewed from the learning outcomes get the value of Th = 11.088 > tt = 3.591 with a significance of 0.05. Furthermore the effectiveness reviewed from the learners’ activities get the value of Th = 36.373 > tt = 1.690 with DF 35.
Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the learning media of the PLC-based practical trainer lift module is worth.
Keywords: modules, trainer lifts, PLC, electrical motor installations, student learning outcomes