Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh trainer yang layak digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran pada mata pelajaran Instalasi Penerangan Listrik 1 Fasa. Kelayakan trainer meliputi aspek kevalidan, aspek kepraktisan dan aspek keefektifan. Pada penelitian ini metode yang digunakan adalah metode research and development (R&D) (Sugiyono, 2015: 407) dimana tahap-tahap dalam penelitian ini meliputi: (1) analisis potensi dan masalah; (2) pengumpulan data; (3) desain produk; (4) validasi desain; (5) revisi desain; (6) uji coba produk serta (7) analisis data dan pelaporan. Adapun hasil kelayakan media pembelajaran trainer instalasi penerangan listrik 1 fasa ini ditinjau dari tiga aspek, meliputi: (1) aspek kevalidan diperoleh dari hasil validasi media pembelajaran trainer instalasi penerangan listrik 1 fasa yang dilakukan oleh validator sebesar 3,2 dengan kriteria valid.; (2) aspek kepraktisan diperoleh dari hasil respon guru sebesar 0,844 serta respon siswa sebesar 0.970 dengan kriteria reliable atau dikatakan sangat praktis; dan (3) aspek keefektifan ditinjau dari hasil belajar siswa di sekolah pada ranah pengetahuan pretest memperoleh nilai rata-rata sebesar 3,888 dan hasil belajar ranah pengetahuan posttest memperoleh nilai rata-rata sebesar 8,322 dalam hal ini dapat dilihat adanya peningkatan ketercapaian hasil belajar siswa sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa media pembelajaran trainer instalasi penerangan listrik 1 fasa sangat layak digunakan dalam penelitian.
Kata Kunci: Media, Pembelajaran, Trainer, Instalasi penerangan listrik.
This study aims to obtain a trainer that is suitable for use as a learning medium in the subject of 1 Phase Electrical Lighting Installation. The eligibility of the trainer includes aspects of validity, aspects of practicality and aspects of effectiveness. In this study, the method used is the research and development (R&D) method (Sugiyono, 2015: 407) where the stages in this study include: (1) analysis of potential and problems; (2) data collection; (3) product design; (4) design validation; (5) design revision; (6) product testing and (7) data analysis and reporting. The results of the feasibility of the 1-phase electric lighting installation trainer learning media are reviewed from three aspects, including: (1) the validity aspect obtained from the validation results of the 1-phase electric lighting installation trainer learning media carried out by the validator at 3,2 with valid criteria; (2) the practical aspect was obtained from the results of the teacher's response of 0.844 and the student's response of 0.970 with reliable criteria or said to be very practical; and (3) the aspect of effectiveness in terms of student learning outcomes at school in the domain of pre-test knowledge obtained an average value of 3.888 and posttest learning outcomes obtained an average score of 8.322 in this case it can be seen that there is an increase in the achievement of student learning outcomes so that it can be It was concluded that the 1-phase electric lighting installation trainer learning media was very suitable for use in research.
Keywords: Media, Learning, Trainer, Electric lighting installation