Implementasi program Surabaya Eco School di SMP Negeri 40 Kota Surabaya
Implementation of the Surabaya Eco School program at SMP Negeri 40 Surabaya
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui implementasi program Surabaya Eco School di SMP Negeri 40 Surabaya. Teori yang digunakan adalah teori implementasi George Edward III. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan desain eksploratif. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, dokumentasi dan wawancara mendalam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan implementasi program Surabaya Eco School di SMP Negeri 40 pada tahun ajaran 2019-2020 Surabaya sangat baik dan efektif. Aktor pelaksana berhasil merealisasikan program yang telah dirancang sesuai dengan pedoman dan petunjuk teknis. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi implementasi program adalah komunikasi, kejelasan kebijakan, konsistensi, sikap atau disposisi, dan sumber daya. Kebijakan sekolah merancang aksi dan target membuat kinerja tim lingkungan hidup berjalan teratur dan sesuai prosedur. Kerjasama antar warga sekolah yang terdiri kepala sekolah, guru, siswa, petugas kebersihan, petugas keamanan, dan petugas kantin mewujudkan sekolah dengan wawasan lingkungan adalah kunci keberhasilan sekolah untuk mempertahankan gelar sebagai sekolah peduli gerakan hidup.
This study aims to determine the implementation of the Surabaya Eco School program at SMP Negeri 40 Surabaya. The theory used is the theory of implementation George Edward III. This study uses a qualitative approach with an exploratory design. The sampling technique was using purposive sampling technique. The data collection techniques used were observation, documentation and in-depth interviews. The results showed that the implementation of the Surabaya Eco School program at SMP Negeri 40 Surabaya in academic year 2019-2020 was very good and effective. Implementing actors have succeeded in realizing programs that have been designed in accordance with technical guidelines and instructions. Factors that influence program implementation are communication, clarity of policies, consistency, attitudes or dispositions, and resources. School policies design actions and targets to make environmental team performance run regularly and according to procedures. Collaboration between school members consisting of principals, teachers, students, cleaners, security officers, and canteen officers to create schools with environmental insight is the key to the success of the school in maintaining its title as a school that cares about the movement of life.