Realitas Sosial Pada Novel "Kami (Bukan) Jongos Berdasi" Karya J. S. Khairen (Tinjauan Sosiologi Sastra)
Social Reality In Novel "Kamj (Bukan) Jongos Berdasi" Written by J. S. Khairen (Review of Sociology Literatur)
Karya sastra tercipta berdasarkan fenomena yang terjadi di tengah-tengah masyarakat yang mampu dirangkai secara baik oleh pengarang melalui imajinasinya, tak terkecuali novel. Novel tercipta berdasarkan fenomena permasalahan sosial di masyarakat yang ditulis dengan alur cerita yang kompleks dan memiliki tujuan untuk memberi pesan dan amanat bagi pembacanya. Penelitian ini memfokuskan kerja pada pengungkapan realitas sosial berdasarkan permasalahan sosial yang terjadi di dalam novel Kami (Bukan) Jongos Berdasi karya J. S. Khairen dan menentukan hubungan realitas sosial dalam novel dengan realitas yang terjadi di masyarakat secara nyata. Penelitian ini tergolong deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan sosiologi sastra. Teknik baca dan catat serta riset kepustakaan digunakan dalam pengumpulan data, sedangkan dalam hal analisis data digunakan metode deskriptif analitik dan analisis isi. Hasil penelitian ini adalah ditemukannya realitas sosial dalam novel yang mencakup bidang ekonomi, politik, moral, pekerjaan, kebudayaan, dan kebiasaan serta hubungan realitas sosial dalam novel dengan realitas sosial yang terjadi di masyarakat yang mencakup bidangekonomi, politik, moral, pekerjaan, kebudayaan, dan kebiasaan.
Kata Kunci:Novel, Sosiologi Sastra, Realitas Sosial
Literature work are indeed created based on phenomena that occur in society that the author can assemble his ideas well through his imagination. Including novels. Novels are created based on the phenomena of social problem in sociert which are writeen with complex storylines and have the aimof giving messages and mandates to all readers. This research is focused on working on disclosing social reality based on social problems that occur in our novelKami (Bukan) Jongos Berdasi by J. S. Khairen. In this research, we will search for social reality in the novel Kami (Bukan) Jongos Berdasi by J. S. Khairen and search for relation between social reality in the novel and the social reality that occurs in society. This research use descriptive qualitative methode with literary sociological approach. Reading note-taking technique as well as library research were used in data collection, while in terms of data analysis,descriptive analytical method and content analysis were used. In this research, social reality that cover the fields of economy, politics, morals, work, culture, and habits are found and social reality are found in novels with social reality that occur in society which include the fields of economy, politic, morals, work, culture, and habits.
Key Words:Novels, literary sociological, Social Reality