implemented by SMA Semen Gresik by using an online exam application. The use of the
online exam application is carried out during midterm and final semester exams with various
sessions according to the exam schedule. In the application of information technology, it can
be pose a risk such as disruption to the client network so that it is disconnected from the server,
software errors are caused by viruses. In an effort to minimize this risk, a risk analysis was
carried out related to the use of the online exam application at SMA Semen Gresik.
Researchers used the OCTAVE Allegro method in conducting risk assessments. This method
consists of four phases with eight stages and equipped with guidance, worksheets and
questionnaires. In this study, it can be seen that the most important impact areas, critical
information assets owned by the school, the risks in implementing the application, the
consequences if these risks occur and the mitigation approach of each identified risk. The
results of this study found 10 areas of concern that have been identified and given a mitigation
approach according to the relative risk score resulting in 5 mitigate, 1 defer and 4 accept.