Kandungan Logam Berat Kadmium (Cd) pada Padina australis di Pantai Sendang Biru Malang
Padina australis merupakan jenis rumput laut yang ditemukan di Pantai Sendang Biru Malang. Padatnya aktivitas kelautan di pantai tersebut diduga dapat menimbulkan pencemaran perairan berupa pencemaran logam Cd, yang berasal dari aktivitas Tempat Pelelangan Ikan (TPI), lalu lintas kapal penyebrangan ke Pulau Sempu, serta bongkar muat kapal. Rumput laut yang terpapar logam Cd akan berpengaruh terhadap kadar protein dan kadar klorofilnya sehingga dapat menghambat pertumbuhannya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis kadar logam kadmium, kadar klorofil, kadar protein pada rumput laut Padina australis serta menganalisis hubungan antara kadar logam kadmium terhadap kadar protein. Pengambilan rumput laut Padina australis dilakukan di Pantai Sendang Biru Malang pada tiga stasiun. Analisis kadar Cd denganAAS dan kadar klorofil dengan spektrofotometer. Data dianalisis statistik korelasi Pearson untuk mengetahui hubungan kadar logam Cd dengan kadar protein pada Padina australis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kadar logam Cd Padina australis sebesar 0,019 ± 0,001 mg/kg - 0,027 ± 0,001 mg/kg, dimana kisaran tersebut dibawah baku mutu, dengan begitu aman untuk dikonsumsi, kadar klorofil total berkisar 19,958 ± 2,480 mg/l - 20,024 ± 2,631 mg/l, kadar protein berkisar 1,73-2,15%, serta hubungan kadar logam Cd dengan kadar protein Padina australis memiliki korelasi negatif, semakin tinggi kadar Cd, maka kadar protein semakin rendah.
Padina australis is a type of seaweed found in Sendang Biru Beach Malang. The dense marine activity on the coast is thought to cause water pollution in the form of Cd metal pollution, which comes from the activities of the Fish Auction Place (TPI), ship traffic crossing to Sempu Island, as well as loading and unloading ships. Seaweed that is exposed to Cd metal will affect the protein content and chlorophyll content so that it can inhibit its growth. The purpose of this study was to analyze cadmium levels, chlorophyll content, protein content in Padina australis seaweed and to analyze the relationship between cadmium metal content and protein content. Padina australis seaweed was collected at Sendang Biru Beach Malang at three stations. Analysis of Cd levels with AAS and chlorophyll levels using a spectrophotometer. Data were analyzed statistically by Pearson correlation to determine the relationship between Cd metal content and chlorophyll content in Padina australis. The results showed that the metal content of Cd Padina australis was 0.019 ± 0.001 mg / kg - 0.027 ± 0.001 mg / kg, where the range was below the quality standard, so it was safe for consumption, total chlorophyll content ranged from 19.958 ± 2.480 mg / l – 20.024 ± 2.631 mg / l, protein content ranged from 1.73 to 2.15 %, and the relationship between Cd metal content and protein content of Padina australis has a negative correlation, the higher the Cd content, the lower the proteinn content.